- concussion fracture 冲击破裂
- Perhaps there is a fracture in the water pipe. 也许水管有裂缝了。
- The fracture of his left leg is very serious. 他的左腿骨折情况很严重。
- The fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。
- The driver is in hospital with concussion. 驾驶员因脑震荡住院。
- The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head. 患者头部受击後患严重脑震荡。
- She suffers from brain concussion. 她得了脑震荡。
- Fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people. 老年人腿骨骨折有可能成为严重疾患。
- He was taken to hospital with concussion. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。
- He was taken to the hospital with a concussion. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。
- Another woman fell and suffered a concussion. 另一位妇女跌了一跤,得了脑震荡。
- Enhance a heart, can resist any concussion. 增强心脏,能够反抗任何冲击。
- Such a procedure does not preclude fracture. 这个方法不能消除断裂的发生。
- Some get empty to concuss, seem to be desolate. 这个小得不能再小的地方。
- You'll be treated for a fracture of the bone. 你因骨折需要治疗。
- The happiness floats to concuss in the spring rain. 和自己初始的情感。
- High fracture toughness and insulation resistance. 高断裂强度及绝缘性能。
- The gas escaped from a fracture in the pipe. 煤气从管子裂缝处逸出。
- He's suffering from concussion after falling off his bicycle. 他从自行车上跌下来,脑受了震荡。
- Your leave thumb suffer a comminute fracture. 你左手的拇指是粉碎性骨折。