- The condensate gas pool of Ordovician, Carboniferous and Triassic in Lunnan low uplift in Tarim basin belongs to deep and ultradeep condensate gas reservoir. 摘要塔里木盆地轮南低隆凝析气藏分布在奥陶系、石炭系和三叠系,属深层和超深层凝析气藏。
- The carbonate rock (O) and detrital rock (C, T) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes, which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools. 碳酸盐岩(O)和碎屑岩(C、T)储集层分2大类4个亚类圈闭组合,形成了10种类型的凝析气(田)藏。
- Keywords condensate gas pool;heterosphere;flow unite;no-resistance flow; 凝析气藏;非均质性;流动单元;无阻流量;
- condensate gas pool 凝析气藏
- Condensate gas pools 凝析气藏
- The systematology is one of theories on oil and gas pool forming process. 系统论是成藏作用研究的重要理论基础之一。
- Condensate gas and crude oil contain Hg of different forms,including elemental,organic,inorganic and suspended mercury. 而凝析气和原油中汞的存在形式较为复杂,既有游离态汞,也有有机汞、无机汞和悬浮汞等。
- Condensate gas has been producing from the Ziniquanzi Formation of Paleogene in the field. 产层为下第三系紫泥泉子组,产凝析油气。
- The depletion experiments on practical condensate gas samples were carried out by means of PVT cells and cores. 采用实际凝析气体系分别在PVT筒和实际岩心中进行了衰竭实验。
- Geologic features and design feasibility of the horizontal well in Yaha condensate gas field are given in brief. 简述了牙哈凝析气田的地质特点及水平井设计的可行性,对水平井开采该气田生产实际进行了分析。
- Wellbore temperature profile model in condensate gas well is deduced in which Joule-Thompson coefficient and quantity of heat from variety of phase state are considered. 推导了凝析气井筒温度分布模型,模型中考虑了焦耳-汤姆逊效应随井深的变化,以及发生相变时的相变潜热;
- This rock, which to you and me looks like a solid, has tiny little pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool. 在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。
- Condensate gas reservoir is a special kind of reservoir and its material balance equation is greatly different from that of conventional gas reservoir. 摘要凝析气藏是一种特殊的油气藏类型,其物质平衡方程式与常规气藏物质平衡方程式应存在较大的差异。
- According to the steady-state theory of the condensate gas reservoir, the productivity equation of gas-liquid multiphase flow was run. 该文根据凝析气藏稳态理论,求解了气液多相流动产能方程。
- The well bore temperature distribution in condensate gas well is dispensable for the node analysis and performance analysis for gas well. 凝析气井井筒温度分布是进行气井节点分析和动态分析必不可少的参数。
- The content of radon gas and methane bacteria indicates obvious abnormity above the gas pool. 气田上方氡气和甲烷菌的含量存在明显的异常。
- Dry gas injection huff and puff is one of the effective techniques to remove the retrograde condensate blocking of condensate gas wells. 注气吞吐是解除凝析气井单井反凝析油堵塞问题的有效方法之一。
- Due to fine grain and small pores of reservoir rock of deformable medium condensate gas reserve, interface effect is obvious. 摘要变形介质凝析气藏因储层岩石颗粒细、孔隙小,储层界面效应极为突出。
- Repeat formation testing was used to identify coagulated gas pool by liquid density of stratum directly. 多次地层测试是通过计算出的地层流体密度直接识别凝析气藏,是比较可靠的识别方法;
- In Yaha condensate gas field, it is very difficult to dynamically monitor gas breakthrough or not and its volume in gas y wells. 采气井气窜与否及气窜量的多少是牙哈凝析气田动态监测的难点。