- Perfect. But what I'm concerned about most is the time of delivery. 完全正确。但我最关心的是交货时间。
- He has a crisp style of delivery. 他说话乾净俐落。
- Buyers should also pay close attention to the terms and conditions of sale, such as whether there are any hidden extras in the form of delivery costs. 买方也应该仔细留意交易的条款及条件,譬如是否要负担帐面外额外的运送费。
- The property or condition of being permeable. 渗透,渗透性可渗透的特质或状态
- If I remember correctly, time of delivery is another point on which we differ. 如果我没记错的话,交货时间是另一点我们有分歧的地方。
- The fact or condition of holding property by lease. 租借通过租契而获得财产的事实或状态
- The quality or condition of being exuberant. 充沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态
- The quality or condition of being obedient. 服从顺从、服从的品性或条件
- The quality or condition of being rational. 合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
- Innocent Purchase Under the Condition of Delivery in Idea 观念交付条件下的善意取得
- Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。
- The date of delivery hasn't been fixed yet. 交货时间还没有最后落实。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- A condition of pain, suffering, or distress. 苦恼,痛苦痛苦、受难或悲伤的状况
- The date of delivery has not been fixed yet. 交货时间还没有最后落实。
- The condition of being confused or disoriented. 困惑处于迷惑或迷失方向的状况
- general conditions of delivery of goods 交货共同条件
- The condition of having an arched surface. 翘曲表面弯曲的这种状况
- general conditions of delivery goods [经] 一般交货条件
- The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit. 结果实结果的过程、时间或条件