- The property or condition of being permeable. 渗透,渗透性可渗透的特质或状态
- The fact or condition of holding property by lease. 租借通过租契而获得财产的事实或状态
- By means of the condition of positive semidefinite of a quadratic form, the location of the tool-axis can be acquired. 传统的数控加工均采用球头刀具,由于刀具与被加工曲面间为点接触,加工精度和效率都较低。
- The quality or condition of being exuberant. 充沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态
- The quality or condition of being obedient. 服从顺从、服从的品性或条件
- The quality or condition of being rational. 合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
- Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。
- Apparently he is short of positivity of job. 他的工作似乎缺乏干劲。
- Results and Conclusion The smaller firm can raise its production and profit by adopting tactics of compatibility of product on the condition of positive network externality. 结果与结论当存在正的网络外部性时,规模较小的企业通过采用兼容性策略,可以提高其均衡产量,实现较大的利润。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- One of the chairs is out of position. 这些椅子中有一把放的位置不对。
- A condition of pain, suffering, or distress. 苦恼,痛苦痛苦、受难或悲伤的状况
- The condition of being confused or disoriented. 困惑处于迷惑或迷失方向的状况
- Everything in the office was out of position. 办公室的所有东西都被动过了。
- He faked an opposing player out of position. 他用假动作使一名对手离开了自己的位置。
- The condition of having an arched surface. 翘曲表面弯曲的这种状况
- The chairs are all out of position. 椅子全都放得不是地方。
- The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit. 结果实结果的过程、时间或条件
- The number of positive numbers is infinite. 正数的数目是无穷的。
- The quality or condition of being immune. 免除,免疫免疫的状态或性质