- Conditional fee arrangements will also induce disputes over legal costs. 按条件收费安排亦会引发法律费用的争议。
- To encourage access to Court through conditional fee arrangements goes against this very trend. 通过按条件收费安排鼓励向法院申诉,实与大势相悖。
- Significant expenses will be added into the legal system by introducing conditional fee schemes. 如引入按条件收费计划,法律体制须显著增加开支。
- The consultation paper proposes that certain money recovery cases should come under conditional fee arrangements. 谘询文件提出建议,若干金钱追讨案件可列入按条件收费安排之中。
- However, the conditional fee arrangements, by removing such cases, will deprive SLAS of a ready source of income. 然而,按条件收费安排将会使有关案件流失,剥夺法援辅助计划的现成收入来源。
- Expenses on insurance brought about by conditional fee arrangements will discourage access to justice for small cases. 按条件收费安排所带来的保险开支,将会阻碍小案件获得的司法服务。
- Instead, conditional fee schemes are dressed up as another principle in themselves, stressing that they will widen access to the courts. 反而,按条件收费计划则自行装扮成另一原则,强调可扩大向法院申诉的途径。
- Again it serves to illustrate a recognition that nuisance and irresponsible claims are inherent in conditional fee schemes. 此举再次显示承认滋扰及不负责任申索是按条件收费计划的固有特质。
- Terms of Reference The Sub-committee is asked to consider whether conditional fee arrangements are feasible, and to proceed accordingly. 小组委员会的任务是审议按条件收费安排是否可行,以及按此进行有关安排。
- The enactment of the Statute de Donis in the year 1285 had the effect of converting the conditional fee into the estate in fee tail. 1285年通过的赠予法把有条件采邑权变为限嗣继承采邑权。
- Recommendation 11 of the consultation paper shows that conditional fee schemes are inherently risky to such an extent that insurance is most essential to make them work. 谘询文件第11项建议显示,按条件收费计划存在高固有风险,以致必须有保险方能运作。
- While conditional fee arrangements will remove from the plaintiff the risk he currently has to bear, the defendant will often be left alone to defend himself. 虽则按条件收费安排将可为原告人清除现时须承担的风险,被告人将须自行为自己抗辩。
- The proposal for conditional fees claims it will bring wider access to Court. 按条件收费的建议方案声称向法院申诉的途径将更广阔。
- Under conditional fees, the balance is tilted in favour of the plaintiff. 根据按条件收费,有关平衡已向原告人倾斜。
- The consultation paper suggests that the barrier of legal costs, which dissuades certain persons from bringing or continuing with claims, can be removed by adopting conditional fee arrangements. 谘询文件建议,如采用按条件收费安排,将可清除成为若干人士提出或继续申索障碍的法律费用。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- Conditional fees will upset equality of arms, and hamper fair access to justice. 按条件收费将会动摇平等地位,成为公平司法服务的障碍。
- Council will study the consultation paper on conditional fees to be published by the Law Reform Commission. 本局将研究法律改革委员会将发表的按条件收费谘询文件。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- To justify introducing conditional fees, the consultation paper assumes legislation will create a properly structured conditional fees regime. 作为引入按条件收费的理由,谘询文件假设立法将可创造具备妥善结构的按条件收费制度。