- condon usage bias 密码子偏好性
- Codon usage bias varies considerably among genomes and even within the genes of the same genome. 密码子使用偏好性在不同的基因组中甚至在同一个基因组中的不同基因中都是不同的。
- Thus, codon usage bias of nuclear genes appeared to be affected by translational selection. 因此,核基因的密码子使用偏好性受到翻译选择的影响。
- The results of codon usage bias analysis did not support that MscL-like progenitor is the common ancestor of MSC. 密码子使用偏性的分析结果不支持MscL 样分子是MSC 的进化原型。
- As gene type and function is fixed, species difference can also affect codon usage bias.The closer the consanguinity between species in evolution, the similar their codon usage bias is. 在基因的类型和功能一定的情况下,物种的差异也会影响到密码子的使用偏性,在进化上亲缘关系较近的物种间,其相对密码子使用概率也较接近。
- The committee is of a/has a conservative bias. 委员会有一种保守的偏见。
- He has a bias against Japanese products. 他讨厌日本的产品。
- Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。
- Histories are often warped by bias. 历史常为偏见所曲解。
- Some people have a bias against foreigners. 有些人对外国人有偏见。
- He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
- The TV set was damaged from rough usage. 这架电视机由于使用太不小心而损坏了。
- This is a book on modern English usage. 这是一本关于现代英语惯用法的书。
- The tractor had been damaged by rough usage. 这辆拖拉机因使用不经心而损坏了。
Codon usage bias varies considerably among genomes and even within the genes of the same genome. 密码子使用偏好性在不同的基因组中甚至在同一个基因组中的不同基因中都是不同的。
- Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood. 她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。
- Some genes are G+C rich, some others are A+T rich, while the rest do not show obvious nucleotide bias. (2) codon usage bias varies considerably among the MSC genes; 部分基因呈G+C 丰富,部分基因呈A+T 丰富,而另有一部分基因无明显的核苷酸组成偏性;
- A word, in telegraph usage, arbitrarily six characters in length. 在电报应用中,任意长度为6个字符的一个字。
- This material requires a bias cut. 这块布必需是对角剪裁。
- Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage. 上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上