- Investigation and application of light color complex conduct electricity paint 浅色复合导电涂料的开发与应用
- Most metals conduct electricity. 大多数金属能导电。
- conduct electricity paint 导电涂料
- Glass cannot conduct electricity, nor can rubber. 玻璃不能导电,橡皮也不能导电。
- Most plastics do not readily conduct electricity. 大多数塑料都不容易导电。
- Wood cannot conduct electricity, no more can glass. 木头不能导电,玻璃也是如此。
- Wood cannot conduct electricity,no more can glass. 木头不能导电,玻璃也是如此。
- Wood can not conduct electricity, not can glass. 木头不能导电,玻璃也不能导电。
- Aqueous acid solution conduct electricity. 酸的溶液会导电。
- Glass does not conduct electricity. 玻璃不导电。
- Copper conducts electricity better than iron does. 铜的导电性比铁强。
- Electrolyte solutions can conduct electricity. 电解质的水溶液是可以导电的。
- Wood can not conduct electricity , not can glass. 木头不能导电,玻璃也不能导电。
- All metals do not conduct electricity equally well. 不是所有的金属都具有同样好的导电性能。
- Copper conducts electricity better than other materials. 铜比其他材料导电性能好。
- Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do. 铜的导电性能比其他材料好。
- Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity,but copper will. 塑料和橡胶不导电,铜导电。
- Why metals can conduct electricity is an interesting problem. 金属为什么能导电是一个有趣的问题。
- Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity, but copper will. 塑料和橡胶不导电,但是铜导电。
- Allsubstances have some ability to conduct electricity. 所有物质都有某种导电的本领。