- The Theory and Practices of Earthed System Conducted Emission Test 接地系统的传导骚扰测试理论及应用
- Analyzing the Case of Conducted Emission Test in Interlaboratory Comparison 实验室传导骚扰测试比对案例分析
- conducted emission test 传导骚扰测试
- Emission tests of 15 vehicles are conducted on same chassis dynamometer with both VMAS and CVS sampling schemes respectively. 通过对15辆车采用相同的底盘测功机,分别用汽车排放总量分析系统(VMAS)和定容采样系统(CVS)进行瞬态采样测试,并对测试结果进行了分析。
- VTCL__EETS (engine emission test system) was developed, and its application was dealt with. 介绍了自主开发的VTCL-EETS发动机排放测试系统,并给出了应用实例。
- VTCL_EETS (engine emission test system) was developed, and its application was dealt with. 介绍了自主开发的VTCL_EETS发动机排放测试系统,并给出了应用实例。
- The application is required to be supported by an engine noise test report and an engine emission test report issued by an approved laboratory. 车主必须取得由认可实验室发出的引擎噪音测试报告及引擎排放测试报告,以支持其申请。
- Taking the emission test equipments of AVL as the development object, a vehicle exhaust host computer system was presented. 以AVL公司的排放测试设备为开发对象,建立了汽车排放主控计算机系统;
- Besides, the experiment center of BARI had accredited by SEPA and EPB of Beijing as a test unit doing trail gas emission test from vehicles. 此外,实验中心还是国家环境保护总局和北京市环境保护局授权的汽车尾气排放检测机构。
- Diesel Smoke Opacity Emission Test, 60% reduction in Diesel Emissions. 柴油机烟气排放测试,减少60%25的烟气排放。
- The evaporative emission test of complete vehicle and chromatogram analysis verify the adaptability of existing evaporative emission control system to gasoline-alcohol blend fuel. 通过整车蒸发排放试验以及色谱分析试验研究,验证了目前的蒸发排放控制系统对醇类汽油的适应性。
- The Measurement Uncertainties of Conducted Emission 测量不确定度的实验研究
- For conduction emission noise, the separation of the common and differential mode noise is important for determining parameters of proper filter. 为了正确设计滤波器的参数,必须将共模和差模信号从线性阻抗稳定网络所测得的混合信号中分离出来。
- Proof of emission compliance can be documents issued by vehicle manufacturers or emission testing report issued by an approved test laboratory. 符合排放标准的证明文件可以是由汽车制造商发出的文件或认可的车辆排放测试实验室签发的排放测试报告。
- Electrical relays - Part 25: electromagnetic emission tests for measuring relays and protection equipment. 继电器。第25部分:测量继电器和保护设备的电磁辐射试验。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Influence of Power Grounding Method to Conducted Emission 电源接地方式对传导骚扰的影响
- Based on the information provided, the Department will require the vehicle to undergo a smoke test at a designated vehicle emission testing centre within a prescribed period. 根据检举员提供的资料,环境保护署会要求车主在指定限期内,将车辆送交指定的车辆废气测试中心接受黑烟排放检测。
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行为只是为了掩护他的紧张。
- The vent-pipe is connected with flange for emission testing under low temperature and shall be sealed tight when not used. 汽车低温(--7℃)排放试验用汽车尾管连接法兰,不用时封死。