- condylar positioning devices 髁状突固位装置
- This paper proposes a design of a class of micro positioning devices that compose of the bistable compliant micro-mechanism. 介绍了利用微机对表面粗糙度测量仪的改进设计 ,重点说明了系统的原理及软、硬件设计。
- The aim of this experiment is to observe the effects on temormandibular joint spaces and condylar position,which can be benificial to TMD treatment and occlusal rehabilitation. 本实验的目的是通过观察不同高度的(%23)夹板对颞下颌关节间隙和髁状突位置的影响,为(%23)夹板对颞下颌关节紊乱病的临床治疗及咬合修复治疗提供帮助。
- Bell WH, Yamaguchi Y. Condylar position and mobility before and after intraoralvertical ramus osteotomies and neuromusclar rehabilitation[J]. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg, 1991,6:97. 口腔颌面外科杂志2000年第1期第10卷文献综述作者:刘向辉徐正林单位:刘向辉(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002);徐正林(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002)...
- High button punching precision. Installed with laser positioning device, thus the button will be installed correctly. 冲扣准确度高;装有激光定位装置。钮扣安装正确无误。
- R. C. Merkle, “A New Family of Six Degrees of Freedom Positional Devices,” Nanotechnology, No.8, pp.47-52, 1997. 吴冬立,并联式六自由度奈米级微定位平台研制,硕士论文,国立台湾大学机械工程学系,民国91年。
- Objective To study the effect of cardiac positioner devices on the off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. 目的:探讨应用辅助装置进行多支血管冠状动脉搭桥术的效果。
- Our sister network CNN-IBN reports authorities found phones and a global positioning device aboard a small boat found drifting off Mumbai. 我们的姐妹网络电台CNN-IBN报道印度当局已经在一艘漂离孟买的小船上发现了电话和全球定位装置。
- The pad positioning device in the controllable eccentric stabilizer XTCS can decide the magnitude and direction of eccentric displacement vector. 翼肋定位控制系统是可控偏心器的核心执行机构,决定了位移偏心矢量的大小和方向。
- The compacting device and positioning device can be adjusted up and down, which can be widely used in different sectional profiles. 压紧与定位装置上下可调,可适用于各种规格截面的型材,通用性强;
- It mainly consists of distributor, homogenizer, back frame, gate device, positioning device, gearing, main frame and electrical system. 其主要由分料器、均料器、后机架、闸门装置、定位装置、传动装置、主机架以及电气系统等组成。
- Wherein the positioning device is arranged embedded to the ground adjacent to the outlet of the typhlosolis corresponding to the intersection. 本发明包括定位装置、引导线、电子盲杖和交通灯控制器。
- The experimental results show that submicron level plane positioning accuracy can be achieved by the precision positioning device based on laser Moire signal. 实验结果表明,基于激光莫尔信号的精密定位装置可获得亚微米级的平面定位精度。
- The position device of plate can be minitrimed circularly and crosswise. 其中压印滚筒采用国产高精度滚针轴承;
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- We have done fuzzy PD adjustment for the tool positioning device and compare with the simple PD adjustor according to the experimental result. That fuzzy PD adjuster has a faster step response and high accuracy. 之后阐述了基于模糊(Fuzzy)集合理论设计一类PD调节器的方法,并以自行设计研制的电致伸缩陶瓷自动加工装置为例进行调节,同时和简单PD调节作了比较,结果表明,模糊PD调节器对单位阶跃响应具有速度快,精度高等优点。
- Special ampoule filling positioning device makes ampoule position more simply, correct and more reliable for needle inserting. 灌装工位设计为特别的定位装置,瓶定位更简单、准确,灌针插入瓶口更可靠。
- Labor-saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery. 许多节省劳力的设备于妇女摆脱掉乏味的厨房杂役。
- AbstractA total of 33 craniomandibular dysfunction(CMD) patients with third molar malocclusion werestudied for their occlusion, condyle position, theTMJ arthrograph and EMG of upper and lower lateralpterygoid muscle (Lpt). 对33例有第三磨牙异常的颅颌功能紊乱患者进行了、髁突位置、TMJ上腔造影及翼外肌上下头肌电检查。
- Primary study of condylar position change before and after clear thermoplastic retainer was worn 透明保持器戴入前后髁突位置变化的初步研究