- confectio piperis [医] 胡椒糖膏
- Objective To identify Caulis Piperis Kadsurae and its adulterants. 目的研究海风藤及其常见混淆品的鉴别方法。
- Results Radix notoginseng,Radix cynanchi paniculati,Caulis piperis kadsurae,Rhizoma homalomenae could be identified by TLC. 结果所选用的薄层色谱法均能检出百草痛立消药酒中的三七、徐长卿、海风藤和千年健药材。
- Conclusion N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone is an effective transdermal delivery enhancers for piperine in Extractum Piperis Longi. 结论 N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮为荜茇提取物中胡椒碱经皮给药有效的渗透促进剂。
- Abstract GC/MS was used to compare the chemical components and their contents of volatile oils extracted from Fructus Piperis Longi by SD and SFE-CO2. 摘要 采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC/MS)对水蒸气蒸馏法(SD)和超临界CO2萃取法(SFE-CO2)所提取的荜茇挥发油化学成分及其含量进行分析。
- Methods Identification of Caulis Piperis Kadsurae and its adulterants was carried out by comparing its characteristic,microscopic,TLC and UV Spectra. 方法从性状、显微、薄层色谱及紫外光谱对海风藤及常见混淆品进行比较。结果海风藤与常见3种混淆品有明显区别。
- Methods Radix notoginseng,Radix cynanchi paniculati,Caulis piperis kadsurae,Rhizoma homalomenae in Baicaotonglixiao medicinal wine were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法对三七、寮刁竹、海风藤和千年健药材进行鉴别。
- AIM:To establish a HPLC method for determining contents of tetrahydropalmatine and pepper alkali in Zhitong Capsule(Rhizoma Corydalis,Fructus Piperis,Radix Paeoniae alba,etc. 目的:建立同时测定止痛胶囊(延胡索,胡椒,白芍等)中延胡索乙素和胡椒碱含量的测定方法,更有效地控制制剂的质量。
- SFE-CO2 is superior to SD in raising yield and shortening extractive time, which is an ideal method for the extraction of volatile oil from Fructus Piperis Longi. 用SFE-CO2法提取的挥发油得率高、提取时间短,是荜茇挥发油提取的理想方法。
- Objective To investigate the effects of penetration enhancers on the percutaneous absorption of piperine in Extractum Piperis Longi and select the optimal concentration of enhancer. 目的 研究荜茇提取物中的主要成分胡椒碱的透皮吸收特性,确定最佳促进剂及质量浓度。
- unsaponifiable matter of Fructus Piperis 荜茇不皂化物
- confectio [医] 糖膏(剂)
- confectio amygdalae [医] 苦扁桃糖膏
- confectio aromatica [医] 芳香糖膏
- confectio guaiaci composita [医] 复方愈创木糖膏
- confectio rosae [医] 玫瑰糖膏
- confectio sennae [医] 番泻叶糖膏
- confectio sennae et sulphuris [医] 番泻叶硫黄糖膏
- confectio sulfuris [医] 硫磺糖膏
- piperis kadsurae, caulis 海风藤