- Do you require a deposit to confirm a reservation? 确定预定的旅馆房间要不要付定金?
- From what is said above, we can draw a conclusion. 由上面所说的,我们可以做一个结论。
- I find it difficult to reach a conclusion. 我发现要做出结论很困难。
- A conclusion drawn; a deduction. 推断得出的结论; 归纳的结果
- But I would like to confirm a flight tomorrow. 但我想确定一班明天的飞机。
- Don't try to jump to a conclusion. 别过早下结论。
- We can confirm a room for next Saturday. 我们可以确认下星期六有一个房间。
- We can confirm a room for next Sunday. 我们能确定一间下周日的房间。
- I'll get in touch when we can confirm a new date. 等定下来新的日期,我再跟你联系。
- He will deduce a conclusion from premises. 从前提推导出结论。
- Enter and confirm a strong sa logon password. 输入并确认sa强登录密码。
- Yes, sir.We can confirm a ticket for you now. 是的,先生,我们现在可以为您确认一张票。
- If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion. 即使所有的经济学家(死后)被排成一列,他们也不会达到一个结论的吧。
- I find it difficult to come to a conclusion. 我觉得难下结论。
- I find it difficult to draw a conclusion on that. 我觉得此事难下结论。
- It is a conclusion of deep importance in ethnology. 这个结论在人类学上是极端重要的。
- I have reached a conclusion that our team will win. 我得出结论,我们的队会赢。
- Why do you jump to a conclusion that I did it? 你为什么冒然断定这件事是我干的?
- The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight. 辩论直到午夜才结束。
- It's very hard for us to come to a conclusion. 我们很难下结论。