- Dicey &Morris: The Conflict of Laws, vol.1. 12th edn. p506-511. 徐卉:中国社会科学院法学研究所副研究员,法学博士。
- G.Melrose Bigelows. Joseph Story Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws [M],1883. 肖永平.;冲突法专论[M]
- Eugene F. Scoles, Peter Hay, Conflict of Laws,2 nd edition, West Group1992, p.35. [[33]] [美]多佐:《法律的成长法律科学的悖论》,董炯、冰译,中国法治出版设2002年10月版,第115页。
- He currently teaches Family Law, Jurisprudence, Medicine Ethics and Law and Conflict of Laws. 现时,他教授的科目包括家庭法、法律学、医学道德与法律、以及各种法律的抵触。
- American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws, Second, 1971, Volumel, P556-557. 莫里斯.;戴西和莫里斯论冲突法
- The necessity result of "one nation, two system" engenders interregional conflict of laws of China. 摘要中国区际法律冲突的产生,是“一国两制”的必然结果。
- The phenomenon of parallel proceedings often happens in interregional conflict of laws in China. “一事两诉”问题在中国的区际法律冲突中经常发生。
- The feasible way for its settlement is by law of interregional conflict of laws. 中国内地、香港、澳门之间区际继承关系法律冲突明显,其可行的解决方法就是采用区际冲突法的方法。
- M. Reimann, Conflict of Laws in Western Europe, Transnational Publishers, 1995, pp12-17. 郭剑寒,现在吉林大学从事国际法学(主要是国际商法)和知识产权的研究工作。
- Herbert Wechsler,Introduction to Restatement(Second)of Conflict of Laws,at vii(1971). 王承志,中山大学法学院讲师,法学博士。
- Although the doctrine assures validity of extraterritorial application,it brings conflict of laws at the same time. 效果原则确立了国家管辖权行使的法律前提,但容易带来法律冲突。
- The unification process, one of the major defi of comparatists, directly threatens the conflict of laws methodology. 这就表现出国际私法在渊源上具有两重性。
- No less than the very existence of choice of law as an independent discipline of the law of conflict of laws is at stake. 法律选择是法律冲突法的一个独立组成部分,其能否存在同样成为问题。
- The interstate conflict of laws is a kind of inter-regional conflict of laws existing in the context of Australian Commonwealth. 澳大利亚的州际法律冲突,是存在于澳大利亚联邦境内的一种区际法律冲突,是存在于澳大利亚联邦境内不同法域之间(主要是指各州各领地之间)的法律冲突。
- Chapter 5 deliberates the application of law of electronic commerce and the innovations in the conflict of laws that are about to take place. 第五章则就电子商务的法律适用以及冲突法即将发生的变化作以讨论。
- These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The People's Republic of China, without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. 本使用条款应接受中国法律的管辖并按之解释,排除其法律冲突的原则。
- This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without resort to its conflict of law provisions. 本协议受佛罗里达州法律的管辖及约束,与法律条文并无抵触。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- The Constitution of Australian Commonwealth and other substantive laws of the Commonwealth impose great influence on the settlement of interstate conflict of laws. 澳大利亚的联邦体制,特别是联邦宪法和联邦统一实体法,对州际法律冲突起到了重大的调整作用。
- S.) second Restatement of Conflict of laws and the Hague Trusts Convention adopted the so-called "the most significant relationship (the most closely connected) test". 本文第二部分首先说明信讬法律冲突发生之原因,亦即涉外信讬之意涵,并阐述涉外信讬之法律适用程序;