- Survey animals from breeds with predisposition to congenital cardiac disease. 调查动物具有易发先天性心脏疾病的相关品种。
- Objective To disclose the feature of ultrasongraphy of false cardiac disease misdiagnosed as congenital cardiac disease by auscultation. 目的:揭示出临床常听诊误为先天性心脏病的假性心脏病的超声诊断的特点。
- congenital cardiac disease with cyanosis 青紫型先天性心脏病
- Objective:To analyse retrospectively the experience o f complex congenital cardiac diseases for successful treatment of surgical treat ment. 目的:回顾分析手术治疗复杂先天性心脏病成功的经验。
- Serum TnT Concentration in Post-operative Children Patients with Congenital Cardiac Disease 先天性心脏病患儿心脏术后血清tnt的变化
- congenital cardiac disease 先天性心脏病
- These patients did not hae known cardiac disease. 他说:“这些病人并不知道自己有心脏病。
- Central cyanosis makes a congenital cardiac disorder highly likely. 中心型发绀提示先天性心脏病的可能性极高。
- Aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva (ASV), frequently associated with ventricular septal defect (VSD), is a rare cardiac disease that may be acquired or congenital. 摘要主动脉窦动脉瘤通常伴随心室中隔缺损。其可能为先天或后天得到的罕见心脏病。
- Coronary arteriovenous fistula is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly. 摘要先天性冠状动静脉管是相当罕见的先天性心脏疾病。
- Method 7 patients underwent CBP for cardiac disease were studied. 方法回顾分析7例心脏直视手术后出血的临床病例。
- Dyspnea due to CAD may coexist with that due to another cardiac disease. 由CAD引起的呼吸困难也可与其他疾病引起的呼吸困难同时存在。
- The complete transposition of the great arteries(TGA)is one of the commonest congenital cardiac anomalies in cyanosis. 完全性大动脉错位是一种常见的紫绀型先天性心脏畸形,如不治疗婴儿早期即死亡。
- Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery Unit Centro Gallucci University of Padua Medical School Padua Italy Dr. 手术治疗成人先天性心脏病的中期结果:一项意大利多中心的研究
- Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of the four-chamber view antenatally in diagnosis of fetal congenital cardiac abnormalities. 目的:分析四腔心切面在筛查胎儿心脏畸形中的价值。
- Abstract: The complete transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is one of the commonest congenital cardiac anomalies in cyanosis. 摘要: 完全性大动脉错位是一种常见的紫绀型先天性心脏畸形,如不治疗婴儿早期即死亡。
- This may reflect preexisting cardiac disease, cardiac dysfunction related to the acute neurohumoral and autonomic stress response to stroke, or both. 这可能提示存在先前存在的心脏病以及与由卒中或者卒中和心脏病共同引起的急性神经元介质的和自发性的应激有关的心功能不全。
- BACKGROUND Macula adherens protein is found closely associated with congenital cardiac malformation and myocardial differentiation. 作者单位:新乡医学院细胞生物学教研室;
- This lack of direct myocardial depression is the basis for the widespread use of morphine in patients with cardiac disease. 没有直接的心肌抑制是心脏病患者广泛应用吗啡的基础。
- ECG-gated MRI was performed at 0.5T in 12 patients, aged from 2 months old to 10 years old, for assessment of complex congenital cardiac abnormalities of the asplenia syndrome. 本研究是运用0.;5T磁振造影来评估12个由年龄介于2个月至10岁间有无脾症候群患者与先天性心脏病之关系。