- acute congestive glaucoma 急性青光眼, 急性充血性青光眼
- chronic congestive glaucoma 慢性充血性青光眼
- congestive glaucoma 充血性青光眼
- How does congestive heart failure affect the body? 充血性心力衰竭怎样影响心脏?
- Marijuana for Glaucoma: Does It Work? 大麻治疗青光眼是否有效?
- Glaucoma is an important cause of blindness. 青光眼是导致眼睛失明的一个重要原因。
- Screening for glaucoma is very necessary. 青光眼的筛查是非常必要的。
- Is Neuroprotection a Viable Therapy for Glaucoma? 神经保护是否为青光眼的可行疗法?
- Can high intraocular pressure develop glaucoma? 高眼压会发展成青光眼吗?
- Phacolytic glaucoma is also designated by the name of lens protein glacucoma.It is an acute secondary congestive open angle glaucoma results from dissolved lens cortex. 晶状体溶解性青光眼是一种由晶状体皮质溶解而引起的急性继发性充血性开角型青光眼。
- The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma. 首先,改变眼部黑色素的是眼部疾病,如青光眼(患者瞳孔内出现青绿色的反光)。
- How does remedial eye congest, fatigue and red, urticant painful? 怎样治疗眼睛充血,疲劳红肿,痒痛呢?
- Prevention of pupil paralysis before and after glaucoma surgery. 青光眼麻痹性瞳孔散大的预防。
- All kinds of idea congest in our pursuit,thus it constitute art. 各种念头充斥在我们对于艺术的追求中,从而构成艺术。
- She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. 可以推断出是一种眼疾。
- Chronic glaucoma can be treated with drugs that contract the pupil. 慢性青光眼的治疗可用缩瞳药使水样液的外流增加以降低眼内压。
- Should People With Type 2 Diabetes Be Screened for Glaucoma? 2型糖尿病患者是否发生青光眼的几率较低。
- It also may improve cardiac function in those with congestive heart failure. 它还可以改善充血心力衰竭患者的心脏功能。
- Small incision trabeculectomy for closure angle glaucoma. 小切口小梁切除术治疗闭角型青光眼
- Trabeculectomy for acute primary angle closure glaucoma. 小梁切除治疗急性原发性闭角型青光眼