- The train is timed to connect with the ferry. 火车时刻编排得可与渡轮运行时刻衔接。
- The two pipes which connect with the sewer have been blocked up for a month. 这两条与下水道相连的管子已经堵了一个月。
- The crane is connected with the main beam through its under-frame and the truck chassis. 起重机通过其底架与汽车底盘与大梁连接。
- Where does the cooker connect with the gaspipe? 煤气炉在什麽地方与煤气管道衔接?
- A raised pedestrian precinct forms car parking spaces below, becoming terraced to connect with the hill at the main entrance point. 方案将行人步行专用区提升起来,下面作为停车场,而在与山靠近的地方以梯地的形式连到主入口处。
- He is connected with the Changs by marriage. 他与张家是姻亲。
- The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food- to supply the energy for movement. 第二是,与食物对身体的主要用途有关。
- Where does the cooker connect with the gas - pipe ? 煤气炉在哪儿和煤气管道相接?
- Those small granodiorite-porphyry intrusive b odies connect with the deep conceale d granite-porphyry bodies,which are the main source of metallogenic material and energy. 矿区广泛分布的花岗闪长斑岩小岩体与深部隐伏斑岩体断续连接,是成矿物质和热能的主要来源。
- She was connected with the crime. 她被认为与犯罪事件有关。
- Connect with the World Wide Web of Life! 用全球网络联接世界万物!
- Where does the cooker connect with the gas-pipe? 煤气炉在什麽地方与煤气管道衔接?
- Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle. 读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。
- The main danger is associated with the joinery. 主要危险是发生在房屋内的细木工制品。
- The audience identified with the main character. 观众与剧中主要人物产生了共鸣。
- The candidate failed to connect with the voters. 候选人无法与选民建立关系
- Where does this line tie in with the main circuit? 这条线在哪里跟主线路连接在一起呢?
- She has connections with the great. 她和大人物有关系。
- This kind of technology is mainly used to press electronic parts like mould plates and liquid crystal chips, to acquire the connection with the main circuits. 这类线路板主要用来压制模块、液晶片等电子器件,实现与主电路的电气连接。
- Where does the cooker connect with the gas pipe. 炊具与煤气管在哪儿相连?