- Connect in parallel in the circuit if with the galvanometer, they are able to have showing a number so in connecting the voltmeter in series in the circuit? 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>科学技术>物理学>如果把电流表并联在电路中,把电压表串联在电路中,那么它们会有示数么?
- His word is long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- Over-temperature is detected by a normally-closed switches connected in series and embedded in the motor stator windings. 过热现象是通过并联或内置在电机定子绕组的正常闭合开关来进行监测的。
- Resistors connected in series across a voltage source,used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage. 通过电压电源的成系列的电阻,常用于获得电压中渴望得到的部分。
- His words were long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- Unless otherwise noted, it will be supposed that the evaporators are connected in series with forward feed. 除非另有说明,就假定诸蒸发器串联连接,并流加料。
- Resistors connected in series across a voltage source; used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage. 通过电压电源的成系列的电阻;常用于获得电压中渴望得到的部分。
- A heat storage tank was connected in series with the water loop to improve the system running characteristics. 在水环热泵空调系统中有串联在水环路上的蓄热水箱来改善系统的运行特性。
- The chairman unit is free to be connected in series to anywhere in the circuitry. 主席单元的连接位置不受限制,可串联在线路的任意位置。
- The four resistors are connected in series, making a chain known as a potential divider, or voltage divider. 四个电阻串联接在一起,形成一个链形的分压电路。
- In a way similar to the power amplifier construction, once again, as many LNAs as needed may be connected in series to produce the appropriate gain. 在某种程度上相似于功率放大器的结构,再一次讲和需要LNAs一样需要连接一系列去获得适当的收获。
- The horn is a vibrating-type device which has a diaphragm and a winding and a pair of contact points connected in series. 喇叭是依据振动原理制成的。它由一个膜片、一个线圈和一对串联的触点所组成
- The initial charge-discharge capacity of the batteries with 90 cells connected in series was 18.44 Ah and 17.47 Ah,respectively. 90只单体电池构成的电池组的首次充放电容量分别为18.;44 Ah和17
- These wires seem to connect in the same way. 这些电线好像是按同样的方式连在一起的。
- YBCO samples, in parallel with a resistor, are connected in series with a transformer whose current is controlled by thyristors. YBCO涂层导体与电阻并联,再与变压器串接,电流冲击由晶闸管控制导通和关断。
- The output ports of BPMs can be connected in series for the high voltage applications, or in parallel to cope with a higher power or energy. 不同的放电电流不但会造成不同程度损耗,而且以较大电流放电时,即使已经放至截止电压,但内部仍有剩馀电量未被释出。
- A set of staffs connected in this way. 用这种方式连接的一组五线谱
- The thyristor-controlled traction motors, which are compact and light because ED mica is used for the Class C insulation, are connected in series in two groups of three. 由于c级绝缘体为ed云母,因此由可控硅控制的牵引电机体积小,重量轻,牵引电机采用二组串连。每组3台电机。
- If the capacitor bank contains several capacitors connected in series, discharge the individual capacitors separately by short-circuiting them with an earthing equipment. 如果电容器组包含有串联的电容器,利用接地设备对每台电容器进行短路放电。
- Missed my connection in Atlanta. 我错过了亚特兰大转运的公车