- Planning for the conservation of historic towns and urban areas should be preceded by multidisciplinary studies. 五、在作出保护历史城镇和城区规划之前必须进行多学科的研究。
- conservation of historic towns 古镇保护
- A Research of Historic Conservation of the Temple of Heaven and its Tradition Block. 北京天坛及其周围街区的历史保护研究。
- Feilden Bernard M.,1982, Conservation of Historic Building, Butterworth Scientific , London. 黄克忠,1998,岩土文物建筑的保护,中国建筑工业出版社,北京市。
- The Transferrable Development Right (TDR) can deliver four goals: conservation of historic site and open space, control of land use, promotion of cheap houses. 美国实行土地发展权移转的目的有四个:保存古迹、保存开放空间、实行土地使用规划管制及鼓励兴建中低收入者住宅。
- There are three major parts in this paper: Chapter 1: The author discusses the relationship between conservation of historic patrimony and regeneration of historic sites. 本论文主要由以下几个部分构成:1.;第一章主要论述了城市历史文脉的延续与历史地段的更新之间的关系。
- In rural areas, cultural heritage is represented by a number of historic towns and antiquities but more particularly by the traditional settlements of the ethnic minority people and their age old customary ways of life. 在农村地区,文化遗产主要表现在其历史古城和古迹方面,但其亮点则是少数民族集聚地以及他们古远的民风民俗。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- Lanes are another featured landscape of Historic Town Xitang.Xitang lanes fully reflect the character of Xitang residents.Lanes are snaky and very quiet. 宅弄为古镇西塘的又一特色景观,西塘宅弄极能反映出西塘人的性格。
- This battle is of historic meaning. 这一战具有历史意义。
- Who discovered the conservation of energy? 谁发现了能量守恒?
- The result shows that: as the skeletons of historic town, street and alley promote all factors of town into the organic whole, and show out the multiple and ambiguous functionality. 结果表明:作为古镇的骨架和支撑,街巷联系着古镇内部各要素成为有机整体,表现出多重而模糊的功能性。
- conservation of historic building 城市历史建筑保护
- Conservation of historic heritage 历史遗产保护
- conservation of historic district 历史街区保护
- conservation of historic landmarks and sites 文物古迹保护
- conservation of historic buildings 古建筑保护
- Most people have come to accept the need for conservation of natural resources. 现在大多数人已认识到保护自然资源的必要。
- In recent years, the Government have been implementing the conservation of historical relics actively, and the conservation of industrial heritage is also of great urgency. 在近年来积极推动历史文物保存的工作下,产业遗产的保存亦成了刻不容缓的工作。
- You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。