- The conservative treatment is ineffectual. 保守治疗无效。
- The doctor suggested that he take conservative treatment. 医生建议他采取保守疗法。
- After conservative treatment, he recovered uneventfully. 经过适当的保守治疗之后,病人顺利的康复。
- But the complication was quickly controlled with conservative treatment. 但是,经过保守治疗好了
- One case was fai-led to conservative treatment andoperation was performed. 1例因保守治疗无效且病情恶化而手术治疗,其它均保守治疗。
- Conclusions: All cases will CSF otorrhea recovered with conservative treatment. 颜面神经麻痹若为迟发性且为不完全性麻痹者预后较佳。
- Good recoveries were got in both conservative treatment and surgery operation. 主要的后遗症是下颌骨发育不良、开口偏斜和轻度张口受限。
- Massive genital organ prolapse is usually corrected with surgical treatment while mild genital organ is first treated with conservative treatment. 轻微的生殖器脱垂可予以保守性治疗,重度脱垂则须施行外科治疗。
- Because it's of a mild nature, I think you will recover rapidly after some conservative treatment. 你的症状比较轻,我想经过一些保守治疗会很快恢复的。
- The treatment of osteoporotic VCF including conservative treatment, open reduction with internal fixation(ORIF) and percutaneous vertebroplasty. 在台湾每年约有6万人,因骨质疏松合并脊椎体压迫性骨折,造成疼痛导致行动困难,降低社交与职业功能。
- Conservative treatment for this condition is recommended except for frank rupture of the renal pelvis or ureter and formation of a perirenal abscess. 外科医师唯有对此病有所认知,才能早期诊断与治疗并减少不必要的剖腹探查术。
- Objective: To study the indications and feasibility of traumatic spleen rupture by conservative treatment. 摘要目的:探讨非手术治疗创伤性脾破裂的指征及可行性。
- Conservative treatment of a PDPH in the ambulatory patient includes traditional analgesics, fluids, and bed rest. 门诊手术病人PDPH的保守治疗包括传统的镇痛、补液和卧床休息。
- Thirty-six cases were provide conservative treatment and other 244 were offere surgical treatment. 保守治疗36例,手术治疗244例。
- Waist one awl is constrictive fracture 2/3, it is good to use operation cure or conservative treatment? 腰一锥压缩性骨折2/3,采用手术治疗还是保守治疗好?
- Conservative treatment of a humeral shaft fracture has been preferred as the treatment of choice world wide. 摘要保守疗法是治疗肱骨输骨折的优先选择方法。
- Objective to investigate clinic effect of conservative treatment on apical cyst. 目的探讨保守治疗根尖囊肿的临床效果。
- Initially, some conservative treatments can acquireapparent curative effect. 某些保守治疗在发病早期可获得明显疗效;
- If includes the shock-wave all conservative treatments not to have usefully? 如果包括“冲击波”在内的一切保守疗法都没有用呢?
- Conclusions The Conservative treatment can be used for pseudo-aneurysms, which were smaller, shallower and primeval. 结论保守治疗多用于瘤体较小、浅在、早期和破口较小易于压迫控制的假性动脉瘤。