- consignment inward ledger [经] 承销品分类帐
- His shaking hands showed his inward fear. 他颤抖的双手显示出他内心的恐惧。
- I'll have to check the entries in the ledger. 我得核对一下总帐的项目。
- The goods have been sent to Chicago on consignment. 货物已运到芝加哥,托人代销。
- We usually only order goods on consignment. 我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。
- The door opened inward into the room. 门是朝房间里面开的。
- Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled. 那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。
- consignment inward [经] 承销品, 承销
- The retailer accepted the shipment on consignment. 零售商接受了运来的寄售物品。
- Having the edges folded or turned inward. (幼叶等)镊合内曲状的边缘卷起或向里翻折的
- The consignment covering our Order No ... arrived last week. 我方第。。。号订单项下货物已于上周运到。
- Official consignment, as to a prison or mental health facility. 官方拘留官方的授权,给监狱或心理健康机构
- Their consignment of bananas was / were bad. 他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。
- It is the herald of inward and eternal beauty. 它是内在的与永恒的美的先导。
- On the ledger, I saw rbs51, rbs101. 看了一眼账本,51卢比,101卢比。
- We will consign the goods to him by express. 我们将以快递把货物寄给他。
- We entertain the business on a consignment basis. 我们愿以寄售的方式接受本交易。
- Growing inward or into, especially into the flesh. 向肉中生长的向内生长的,尤指向肉内
- On the credit side of a ledger;prosperous. 富裕的在总帐目中有存款的一方的;富裕的
- This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard. 这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。