- The Commentary of the Case of Consolidated Annuities 统一公债案述评
- The two companies consolidated last year. 这两个公司去年合并了。
- The troops consolidated their position. 部队巩固了阵地。
- All the debts have been consolidated. 所有债务均已合并。
- consolidated annuitiesn. 统一公债(由英国政府1751年开始发行的长期债券)
- The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency. 这两家公司已合并以提高效率。
- What is annuities socialization extends? 什么是养老金社会化发放?
- These annuities are called equivalent annual costs. 这些年金被称之为等价年成本。
- The three small banks were consolidated into one . 那三家小银行已合并成一家。
- Many country schools have been consolidated. 许多乡村学校都合并了。
- He had consolidated his position. 他已经巩固了自己的地位。
- Italy consolidated their lead with a second goal. 意大利队的第二个进球巩固了其领先的地位。
- Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 纽约联合爱迪生有限公司。
- Many companies in this country grant their old employees annuities after they retire. 这个国家的许多公司在老年雇员退休後发给他们养老年金。
- Are performance awards consolidated into base pay? 绩效奖励是否已并入基本薪金内?
- A seed company consolidated few small farms. 一家种子公司合并了几家小农
- The team consolidated their lead with a third goal. 这支队伍的第三粒进球巩固了他们的领先地位。
- In 1786 Pitt established the consolidated fund. 1786年,皮特设立统一基金。
- The ways King Henry II consolidated the monarchy. 亨利二世巩固君主制的途径。
- Enterprise retiree annuities new 110 yuan per month. 企业退休人员养老金人均每月新增110元。