- One who is given to petty criticism and constant complaint. 吹毛求疵者爱挑毛病,常常抱怨的人
- I'm sick and tired of your constant complaints. 我厌烦你没完没了的抱怨。
- I' m sick and tired of your constant complaints. 我厌烦你没完没了的抱怨.
- I'm fed up with his constant complaints. 我对他没完没了的抱怨早就听厌了。
- I'm sick of your constant complaints. 我讨厌你没完没了的抱怨。
- I am fed up with his constant complaints. 他常常的抱怨令我厌烦。
- I was fed up with my boss' constant complaints. 我对於老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。
- I am weary of his constant complaints. 我对他不断发牢骚感到厌烦。
- It is irksome to listen to his constant complaints. 听他无休无止地抱怨真使人心烦。
- His constant complaints were straining our patience. 他没完没了的抱怨让我们忍无可忍。
- Her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration. 她的抱怨不已是他的痛苦之源。
- He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 经常诉苦,没人同情。
- I'm tired of your constant complaints; go away and leave me in peace! 我讨厌你老是抱怨; 走开, 让我安静点!
- I'm tired of your constant complaint; go away and leave me in peace! 我听烦了你时时的抱怨;走开,让我清静一下!
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- Henry has had a bellyful of his wife's complaints. 亨利对他妻子那些抱怨话已经听厌了。
- She always speaks irksome complaints. 她总是发出令人厌烦的牢骚。
- Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw. 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。
- The complaints are directed at you. 这些牢骚是对你而发的。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。