- constant marginal cost [经] 不变边际成本
- Marginal cost is the incremental cost on producing one more unit. 边际成本是增加一生产单位的成本增加。
- People stop at the point where the marginal cost equals the marginal benefit. 当边际成本等于边际效益,就是活动停止的时候。
- The marginal cost of publishing in this environment is close to zero. 在环境中出版的边缘费用是接近对准零位的。
- Market power is the ability to profitably raise price above marginal cost. 市场势力是指将价格提高到边际成本之上以营利的能力。
- A rational decision maker takes an action if and only if the marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost. 只有当这个行动带来边际利润超出它的边际成本时,一个理性的决策制定者才可以实施这个行动。
- At the peak of efficiency, the marginal cost of production equals the average cost of production. 在效率的峰值点,生产的边际成本等于生产的平均成本。
- Avoidable cost Marginal cost that a corporation can avoid by adopting one solution rather than another. 可避免成本公司可采取某种办法而不是另一种办法即可避免的边际成本。
- A rational decisionmaker takes an action if and only if the marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost. 如果而且只有一种行动的边际收益大于边际成本,一个理性决策者才会采取这项行动。
- As long as the standby passenger pays more than the marginal cost, selling him a ticket is profitable. 只要等待机座的乘客支付的价钱比边缘价格高,卖给他票是有利可图。
- The equilibrium condition of personal education investment is that marginal cost equals to marginal revenue. 文章认为,个人教育投资的均衡条件是边际成本等于边际收益。
- As long as the standby pa enger pays more than the marginal cost, selling him a ticket is profitable. 只要等待机座的乘客支付的价钱比边缘价格高,卖给他票是有利可图。
- law of constant marginal productivity 边际生产力不变法则
- Economies of Scale An economic theory stating that a plant's marginal cost of production decrease as the plant's operation increases. 规模经济认为生产边际成本随着规模扩大而减低的经济理论。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- The bar chart showing that the marginal cost of Internet banking transactions was a tiny fraction of the cost of branch banking. 这个图表表明,网络银行转帐的编辑成本是分支银行成本的很小一部分。
- Finally a marginal cost based pricing model for transmission is put forward, besides, the loss and congestion of network are taken into account. 接着,论文给出了一种综合考虑输电网络固定成本、线路网损费和阻塞费用的输电定价模型和算例,并分析了阻塞费用对输电费用的影响。
- Generating company bid on marginal cost in a perfect power market,but manipulate market with the use of market power in a real oligopoly market. 完全竞争电力市场中,发电公司按机组边际成本报价。 而在实际的寡头电力市场,发电公司利用其市场力操纵市场,常常采用抬高报价和持留容量这两种策略。
- According to the principle of marginal cost equivalent to marginal benefit,it puts forward the marginal price for stim... 并根据边界成本等于边际收益的原则,确定出油井增产措施的边际价格以及在现行价格体系下各项措施的取舍条件。
- Marginal cost of providing a public good is zero, so resource allocation is effiicient when the price are set at zero where muv = mc = 0. 纵使公共财的额外产出边际成本是零,其总成本必是正数。不是吗?生产公共财也要付出生产成本的。若公共财是不收费的,那麽我们无从得知会有多少人使用公共财。