- constant voltage frequency 恒压频率
- With different dielectric constant, the voltage frequency when maximum discharge power occurs is also different. 不同出现最高放电功率的频率也不同。
- This paper focuses on voltage regulation strategies of 400Hz CVCF(Constant Voltage Constant Frequency) inverter. 本文研究了400Hz恒压恒频(CVCF)中频电源逆变器波形控制策略。
- This standard does not specify a charge acceptance test at constant voltage. 本标准未规定恒压充电接受能力试验。
- This paper introduces a simple, reliable AC power supply with constant voltage and frequency. The supply consists of a DC motor-AC generator set, a automatic voltage regulator (AYR), and a automatic frequency regulator (AFR). 本文介绍一种简单可靠的恒压恒频交流电源装置;它由直流电动机-交流发电机组、自动电压调节器AVR及自动频率调节器AFR组成.
- Points out the inadequacy of the sine PWM (pulsewidth modulation)signal and general PWM signal for CVCF (constant voltage & constant frequency)inverters and proposes the PWM Step-wave Signal as a new scheme. 指出用于CVCF逆变器控制中的SPWM及普通PWM信号产生方案的不足,在此基础上提出一种通过脉宽调制阶梯波来合成正弦波的方案。
- In this thesis, ac-to-dc and dc-to-ac power converters are proposed to convert the three-phase varying voltage and frequency PMSG power to single-phase source with constant voltage and frequency. 本系统采用交流-直流-交流功率转换器,将风力发电所产生之变动电压及频率转换为固定电压及频率之单相电源。
- Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) was fabricated on aluminum in acid electrolytes at constant voltage. 直流恒压条件下,酸性溶液中铝的阳极氧化会形成多孔阳极氧化铝(AAO)。
- The anodic oxidation process of aluminum in sulfuric acid was investigated using constant voltage electrolysis method. 采用恒电压电解法研究了铝在硫酸中的阳极氧化过程。
- In chapter 2, basic theories about the mechanism of the constant voltage ANO of silicon are reviewed. 第二章首先回顾过去对定电压阳极氧化机制的基本理论,这些模型提出在阳极氧化过程中可能发生的电化学反应。
- This article makes some supplement to the character of constant voltage source and constant current source so... 对恒压源与恒流源的性质进行了补充,可使等效变换的运用大为扩展。
- Haohua astronavigation chemical co.,ltd. adopts high voltage frequency converter for motor speed adjustment of water circulating pump and achieves obvious effect. 摘要昊华宇航化工有限公司采用高压变频器进行循环水泵电动机调速,节电效果显著。
- Since high voltage frequency conversion equipment plunge into run, toward run word status of improve, power economize of status bring measure and collect. 在高压变频器投入运行后,对运行工况的改善,能量节约的状况进行测量与汇总。
- The unique output full-bridge incorporates source-side linear operation to allow a constant voltage across the motor coil. 独特的全桥式输出整合源端线性操作,可确保电动机线圈的持续电压供应。
- Variable cutting apparatus with constant voltage, cutting pressure can be adjusted according to different requirements of workpieces. 可调的恒压切削机构,切削压力可按不同工件的切削条件现场调整。
- The field current required to produce a constant voltage at the generator terminals varies over a wide range for various loads and power factors. 稳定发电机端电压所需要的励磁电流,因负荷和功率因数的不同,其变化范围很大。
- A review was given of porous anodic alumina films(PAAF)formation on aluminum by two-step anodization method in acid electrolytes at constant voltage. 直流恒压下,在酸性溶液中对铝实施两步阳极氧化制备了多孔氧化铝膜。
- In addition, the dependence of BTI on channel length is extensively investigated under constant voltage and field stress. 另一方面,负偏压温度不稳定性受应力之影响而产生劣化现象。
- Much searching through online “cookbook” circuits turned up no means of ramping an op-amp integrator to hold at a preset constant voltage level. 通过在线常用电路的许多研究发现运放积分器保持预设持续电压是没有意义的。
- Starting from a new aspect,it explained a new way to realize energy saving without retrofitting DCS and control logic at site in the application of high voltage frequency conversion. 从全新的角度,诠释了高压变频在系统应用中不对DCS和现场控制逻辑改造,即可实现节能应用的一种新方法。