- Nobody knows how to reconcile them not only with higher spending on education but also with a new constitutional obligation to cut the federal government's budget deficit almost to zero by 2016. 没有人知道该如何调节,一方面是增加的教育支出,一方面政府有责任削减联邦政府的财政刺字,到2016年还要将这刺字几乎降至零。
- Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制国家。
- He have to go home because of family obligation. 出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
- They have made the constitutional reform. 他们已经做了宪法的修改。
- The compulsion felt to meet such obligation. 责任感一种想负起这种义务的感情
- It is not constitutional to censor the press. 审查新闻是违反宪法的。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation. 这个公司必须履行合同条款。
- The constitutional or statutory right to vote. 选举权宪法或法律规定的选举权
- If he succeeds, he may then ask the next parliament to let him remain army chief, an office he is constitutionally obliged to quit at the end of this year. 如果他成功的话,还会继续要求下一届议会保留他陆军参谋长的职位,按宪法他应该在今年年底辞职。
- She's under an obligation to him because he lent her money. 因为他把钱借给她了,所以她有偿还他的义务。
- They claimed that the new law was not constitutional. 他们声称这项新法律不符合宪法。
- The builder failed to fulfill the terms of his obligation. 营造商未能履行合同的条款。
- He feels a prior obligation to his job as a journalist. 他觉得要优先为他的新闻记者的工作尽职。
- Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。
- We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way. 我们有义务圆满地完成工作。
- I'm morally under obligation to do the best I can by her. 我在道义上有责任尽量善待她。
- Our parents fulfilled their obligation to support us. 父母亲尽到了抚养我们的责任。
- constitutional obligation 宪法义务
- A constitutional system of government. 立宪制度根据宪法运行的政府体制