- Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制国家。
- Comrades taking part in the discussion of the draft revised Constitution think it gives satisfactory answers to these questions as no previous document has done. 在解决这些问题方面,参加讨论的同志都反映,党章修改草案是有特色的,比较好的。
- A Deep Study of the Western Constitutional Thought in the Late Middle Ages 中世纪晚期宪政思想各个层面分析
- The Constitutional Thought on the Event of "Occluding the Immigrants for NCEE" 对"封堵高考移民"事件的宪法学思考
- The constitutional thinking of the right to strike 罢工权的宪法思考
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- They have made the constitutional reform. 他们已经做了宪法的修改。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
- It is not constitutional to censor the press. 审查新闻是违反宪法的。
- The thought nerved me to make an other effort. 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里,人们把他看作是位“秀才"。
- I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了。
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- He thought of New York as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。
- The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。
- The constitutional or statutory right to vote. 选举权宪法或法律规定的选举权
- He did not bestow one thought on his dead father. 他想都没有想过,他过世的父亲。