- It was open to Mr Johnson to sign an agreement covering all the issues providing for an immediate return to constitutional rule. 签订一项包罗万象的协议,为尽快回到宪法治理的框架内作准备,这要由约翰逊先生定夺。
- Chang Cheng-hsiung and his ilk are a disgrace to democracy, a detriment to constitutional rule. 张政雄等是民主的耻辱,宪政的灾难。
- Ambassador Zidouemba said the Peace and Security Council will review Madagascar's case in six months, and will impose sanctions unless constitutional rule is restored. 他说:“这次权力更迭可以被理解成政变。这里的情况不仅仅是军事政变。马达加斯加的情况是非军方人物与军方联手发动政变。”
- Mauritania's former military leader has won election as president. Opposition candidates are rejecting the results of a vote meant to return the country to constitutional rule. 毛里塔尼亚前军事领导人阿齐兹赢得总统选举。反对派候选人拒绝接受选举结果。举行这次选举是为了恢复宪政。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。
- Substantial delays could cause social unrest, prompting the cheap 2moons dil relatively powerful unions to take to the streets to demand a return to constitutional rule, for example. 推迟过久可能引起社会动乱,例如催化更具实力的工会走上街道要求回归宪政统治。
- She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则。
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- If you join the club you must abide by its rules. 如果你加入那个俱乐部,你就得遵守其规章。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但这并不排除进行非正式的讨论。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
- The rules will suffice for all ordinary needs. 这些规定将能满足所有一般场合的需要。
- It's no use kicking against the rules. 反对这些规定是徒劳的。
- I'm committed not to violate the rules. 我有义务不违反规定。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- It is up to the courts to rule on this matter. 这得靠法院对这事作出裁决。
- I'm afraid that the judge might rule against him. 恐怕法官的判决会于他不利。
- I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch. 我习惯在午饭后散散步。