- The first and most tasks for Hebei to construct new rural areas are to vigorously develop productivity, increase farmers' income and improve self development ability. 指出必须准确把握河北建设新农村首要任务是大力发展生产力,增加农民收入,提高自身发展能力;
- mode of constructing new rural areas 新农村建设模式
- A Review of the Symposium on the Theory of "Building Socialist Harmonious Society and Constructing New Rural Areas" "构建社会主义和谐社会与新农村建设"理论研讨会综述
- First, establish socialistic new rural areas. 一是建设社会主义新农村。
- constructing new rural areas 新农村建设
- The proposal of constructing new socialist rural areas gives good opportunity to economical development of the Hui nationality areas, especially for the rural areas they live in. 摘要建设社会主新农村思想的提出,为回族经济,尤其是回族农村经济的发展提供了一个良好的契机。
- Later, new rural area has very canorous name " rebuild home " . 图王、拒绝游泳的鱼和郭吉军。
- Send collections of national standard drawing for housing in small cities and towns to the rural areas, serve farmers, and make contributions for constructing new socialist countryside. 送图下乡服务农民为建设社会主义新农村做出贡献。
- This essay anlyses the main hinders in constructing new rurality in west area of China. And it gives out some countermeasure to overcome these hinders. 摘要文章分析了当前西部地区新农村建设过程中面临的主要障碍,并在此基础上就如何克服这些障碍以取得新农村建设的突破提出了对策建议。
- In 2002, the central government determined to have the New Rural Medicare Cooperation in parts of rural areas. 2002年,中央决定在全国部分农村地区实行新型农村合作医疗试点。
- The construction of socialist new rural areas must also adhere to three phases,five key points & six principles. 新农村建设要坚持三个阶段、五个重点、六项原则。
- County library statures easy access by farmers.It plays an important role in the process of building new rural areas. 县级图书馆具有贴近农民的特点,在推进新农村建设中有着十分重要的地位和作用。
- And color piece or irregular design suit the geometry with powerful profusion style of disengaged new rural area does not forget in insecurity. 而缤纷浓烈的几何色块或不规则图案则适合紧张中不忘闲散的新乡村风格。
- To build new socialist rural areas, there is an urgent need to create thousands of mew farmers of high quality, and this is the most pressing demand of building new rural areas. 摘要建设社会主义新农村,急需培育造就千千万万高素质的新型农民,这是新农村建设最为迫切的要求。
- Guide and encourage college graduate to face basic level obtain employment, can increase valuable talent resource to build socialistic new rural area. 引导和鼓励高校毕业生面向基层就业,可以为建设社会主义新农村增添宝贵的人才资源。
- Build socialistic new rural area, when bugle of this one canorous accompanies move spring, Chun Jingxun fast in China earth blow. 建设社会主义新农村,这一响亮的号角伴着春时、春景迅速在神州大地吹响。
- Social capital is stimulative society a kind of of benign development positive factor, it builds socialism in compose there is indispensable effect in new rural area. 社会资本是促进社会良性发展的一种积极因素,它在构建社会主义新农村中起着不可或缺的作用。
- With the development of Chinese modern agriculture and the new rural construction, the diversified rural area financial market competing pattern has already formed. 摘要随著中国现代农业发展及新农村建设的稳步推进,农村金融市场多元化竞争格局已经形成。
- This is the key to building new rural area and offering the disadvantaged groups a chance to share the social achievements and thus to build a harmonious society. 也是建立新型农村、塑造新型农民,让弱势群体共享社会成果,构建和谐社会、向现代化积极迈进的关键。