- New York City inspector has been arrested for lying about checking on a construction crane that later collapsed. 纽约市一名监察人员因谎称对倒塌的工地起重机进行过检查而遭到逮捕。
- Construction Cranes for New buildings in Singapore. 新加坡求购起重机。
- The MK 100 mobile construction crane expands this Liebherr crane programme upwards and is being presented to the trade for the first time at the 'Bauma'. MK 100移动式建筑起重机扩展了利勃海尔的起重机系列,并首次在Bauma交易会上展出。
- That idea is neatly conveyed at the beginning of the film, when protesters hanging a banner from a construction crane become tangled in their own ropes. 当在一台建筑起重机上挂条旗的示威者却缠在了自己的绳索上时,这一构想在本片一开始的情景中就巧妙地展现了出来。
- A 19-story construction crane lies amidst the ruins of a townhouse on the Upper East Side of New York, after falling across two blocks.Seven people were killed in the accident. 纽约上东区一架19层高的起重机突然坠落,将一栋公寓砸成废墟,有7人在这起事故中遇难。
- The MK series of mobile construction cranes combines the mobility of a classic truck crane with the functional advantages of a tower crane. MK系列移动式建筑起重机集经典车载式起重机的移动性与塔式起重机的功能优势于一身。
- Construction crane: Made in China goes to world 工程起重机:中国制造走向世界
- A giant billboard of a bull is silhouetted near construction cranes outside Madrid. 西班牙马德里;一副公牛塑像和许多吊车映衬在夕阳中.
- But, corruption notwithstanding, the economy is ticking over, as the construction cranes that rival the minarets in Kazan's skyline attest. 但是,尽管腐败照常,经济仍在缓慢发展,正如那些可以同喀山市天际处的伊斯兰教尖塔相匹敌的工程起重机所见证的一样。
- The city's own glossy publicity materials boast that Zhengzhou has one of the highest densities of construction cranes operating in China. 市政府印刷精美的宣传资料上写道,郑州是中国正在使用的起重机密集度最高的地方。
- World premiere at the Bauma: the MK 100 mobile construction crane 在Bauma上的世界首次公演:MK 100移动式建筑起重机
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Elsewhere, there are few signs building momentum is slowing. The city's own glossy publicity materials boast that Zhengzhou has one of the highest densities of construction cranes operating in China. 在其它地方,几乎看不到建设速度下降的迹像。市政府印刷精美的宣传资料上写道,郑州是中国正在使用的起重机密集度最高的地方。
- I arrive in Beijing on Midsummer Night. The morning sun and the full moon shine through opposite aisle windows. Construction cranes dance against the hot horizon.....HOTLOG construction. 当我在一个仲夏之夜到达北京时,日出的晨光和渐逝的月光穿透过东西两侧的飞机旋窗,相映在地平线上。
- Uses a crane to hoist the construction beams. 用起重机吊起建筑物的横梁。
- Can you cost out this construction work? 你能估计这项工程的成本吗?
- The house/highway is in course of construction. 该房子/公路正在施工中。
- Construction is a major industry here. 建筑业是此地的主要工业。
- There are two new houses under construction. 有两座新房子正在修建。
- A dump truck was parked on the construction site. 建筑工地上停著一辆倾卸车。