- We can disposal spare piles on the crude foundation by scientific and rational design, cut down the number of piles and construct cost, which is fit for railway, highroad, city roadway, large-scale dam and fill project with the tremendous economy benefit. 通过科学合理的设计与施工,可以在天然地基上布置成疏桩、减少用桩数量、进而大幅度降低工程建设成本,有着巨大的经济效益,很适合于天然软土地基上的铁路、公路、城市道路、长大堤坝以及大面积填方工程。
- Featuring less labor, low cost, more safety and high efficiency, bulk curing barn has advantages over ordinary curing barn and Kaoba in term of construct cost, curing cost and return on investment. 实践证明,半堆积式烤房具有安全、省工、节能、高效的特点,建造成本、烘烤成本和投入产出比等多项指标优于普通烤房和烤霸。
- Where construction is under governmental control according to law, the value of constructional improvements shall be based on the construction cost written on the license to use. 一建物在依法实施建筑管理地区者,应以使用执照所列工程造价为准。
- To prepare all of financial statement relevant to construction cost and investment. 编报有关基建投资成本等各类报表。
- System construction cost low, the maintenance cost are few, but largely reduces the project cost. 系统造价低,维护费用少,可大幅降低工程成本。
- Flexibility: At the same time of saving construction cost, MRL and SMR elevators provide designers more free space. 体积小的交流无齿轮曳引机,使无机房或小机房电梯的布置成为可能,在节省建筑成本的同时,提供给设计师更多的自由空间。
- Qualification Certificate on Project Construction Cost Consultation awarded by the Ministry of Construction of China. 中华人民共和国建设部颁发的工程造价咨询甲级资质证书。
- Design stage is the key point of controlling the construction cost, and more attention should be paid. 设计阶段是对工程造价影响最大的阶段,是控制建设项目工程造价的重点,应引起足够的重视。
- Discussing the job outline and practical ways of building construction cost by stages. 本文以建设单位的角度讨论了建设的各个阶段有效控制工程成本的工作要点、方法。
- Grading exploitation of rock-filling materials has great impact on face rock-fill dam filling and construction cost. 摘要面板堆石坝堆石料的级配开采对大坝的填筑质量和施工成本影响重大。
- The interception ratio of combined system has a great effect on construction cost and discharge amount of pollutants. 合流制排水系统截流倍数对工程造价和污染物的排放量影响很大,本文分析了截流倍数的选择问题。
- Escapes the screw bolt can ruin a construction cost billions US dollar telescope. 一个“逃脱”的螺丝钉就能毁掉一台造价几十亿美元的望远镜。
- The construction cost default has been a key problem that perplexes our country building industry to develop healthily. 工程款拖欠一直是困扰我国建筑业健康发展的一个主要问题。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The minimum overlying rock thickness of a crossing-river tunnel is one of the major factors,which determine the construction cost and the safety of the tunnel. 越江隧道上覆最小岩石覆盖层厚度是决定隧道建设造价和安全的主要因素之一。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- It provides an important reference for bidding unit to determine construction cost price rapidly and accurately,for owner to select contractor. 为招标单位快速、准确的确定工程成本价及业主选择承包单位提供了重要的参考依据。
- It took them two years to construct the bridge. 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。