- The important constructive conditions of a third party"s include four, namely intent, action illegality, damage, causality. 第三人侵害债权的构成要件包括四个,即故意、行为的违法性、损害和因果关系。
- Doctrine of objective attempt considers that the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense is the objective fatalness that causes the result of important constructive conditions. 客观的未遂论认为未遂犯的处罚根据是惹起构成要件结果的客观危险性。
- The Municipal infrastructure including electrics, water, road can satisfy the construction conditions. 电、水、道路等市政设施具备建设条件。
- the important constructive conditions 构成要件
- The paper discusses the construction conditions, semantic features and syntactic/pragmatic functions of the VVR construction of Nanjing dialect. 摘要本文讨论的是南京方言的VVR结构的构成条件、语义特征以及句法语用功能。
- Looping is essential for any language. It allows you to perform the same block of code over and over, by constructing conditions on which code should be repeated. 循环是任所有语言的基本语句。它允许你反复的执行同一段代码,通过一条件具体的重复执行相应的代码!
- Combined with the construction conditions of Fenli Expressway,the paper introduced the application of stepped subgrade to Fenli Expressway design,the characteristics and problem. 结合汾离高速公路建设情况,介绍了台阶式路基在公路设计中的运用,阐述了台阶式路基的特点及存在问题。
- Provides stereo mixing ST, 2 groups of GROUP1/2 and AUX outputs to connect more power output devices so as to be competent of large construction conditions. 提供立体声混音ST、两编组GROUP1/2和辅助AUX等信号输出,连接更多台功率输出设备,轻松胜任大型工程场合。
- We should consider the environmental conditions, constructional conditions and economy factors to select proper coating materials on the complicated terra... 最后,对长输管道常用的几种外防腐涂层的应用提出了看法和建议。
- Hequ County most of the Great Wall in the Yellow River valley, the construction conditions are poor, but also the needs of a variety of supplementary works. 河曲县内的长城大部分又在黄河谷地,施工条件差,还需要多种辅助工程。
- CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS:In Yongchang County, there are abound of electric power, convenient transportation, mineral water resources and labour resources.Tianfu Mineral Water Co. 建设条件:永昌县境内电力充足,交通便利,兰新公路横贯全境,距金昌火车站仅19公里,有丰富的矿泉水资源和丰富的劳动力资源,具有良好的开发前景。
- Construction Conditions: the Institution was built in 1956.It is a provincial full-time college.The Institution is located in the city center, the total area 206 mus. 建设条件:学院创办于1956年,是一所公办省属全日制普通高校,学院位于江西省萍乡市中心,校园占地面积206亩。
- In view of the water shortage situation of current Yulin city proper,the authors discussed the necessity of Yujiang water diversion project and its construction conditions. 针对玉林城区缺水现状,对郁江引水工程的必要性、建设条件加以论证,并简要介绍了建设规模、工程内容,对工程投资与效益进行初步评估。
- He put forward a constructive suggestion. 他提出了一个建设性的建议。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- It took them two years to construct the bridge. 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。
- The poor people lived in brutish conditions. 穷苦的人生活在牛马不如的环境中。
- Find out what the conditions of the contract are. 弄清楚合同的条件是什么。
- Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质。