- However,whether or not it is the universal experience to construct theory through critique approach is questionable. 然而,以批判的路径进行建构,是否可以成为普适之经验,应是值得探讨的学理问题。
- Preliminary Study on Construction Theory of Ecological town. 生态小城镇建设理论初步探索。
- It's an elegantly constructed theory, but I'm afraid it's not right. 这是一个精心构建的理论,但恐怕并不正确。
- Eighthly, enhancing the research on campus cultural construction theory. 八是加强校园文化建设理论研究。
- Second, use the constructism theory to analyze and abandon the out-dated orthography theory. 其次,用“构字法”理论来分析现代汉字,摈弃已不适应现代汉字构字特点的“造字法”理论。
- constructive theory of functions 函数构造论
- However, it is a pity that their poetical construction theory was overshadowed by radical anti-traditionalist poetry. 遗憾的是,他们的汉诗建设理论被激进的反传统主义主流诗歌史遮蔽了。
- His cultural constructive theory which opposed following Europe and America completively, and advocated the maintaining and developing of Confucianism, should be used for reference for us in constructing our contemporary new cultures. 他反对全法欧美、主张保持和弘扬孔教的文化建设学说 ,对我们构建当代新文化具有借鉴意义。
- Lenin developed the party construction theory of the new style Bolshevik Party, and pointed out some important new principles for the construction of the ruling party. 列宁发展了新型布尔什维克党的建党学说,并对执政党的建设提出了一些新的重要原则。
- socialistic construct theory and practice 社会主义建设理论和实践
- In his theory, he identified three methods of constructing theory of distributive justice.They are contractualism, reflective equilibrium, and constructivism. 在罗尔斯的理论中,他指认了三种基本的思考方法:契约论、反思平衡、政治建构主义。
- These include Darwin's evolution by natural selection, Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory, Trivers' parental investment theory, as well as game theory, life history analysis, and niche construction theory. 该文内容包括,Darwin 的自然选择理论,Hamilton 的种系适宜理论与 Trivers 的父母投资理论,也包括博弈理论、生活史理论与生态位建构理论。
- So it has half operations less than FWT. In addition, new techniques based on the "rotation angle series" will inaugurate a brand new approach for the wavelet construction theory, and will become a new branch of the academic subject. 另外 ,基于“旋转角序列”的特征构造 ,这一技术将为正交小波构造理论开辟一条崭新的技术路线 ,成为这一学科的新分支
- Liang Shu-ming's rural construction theory and his views on rural education are established on his understanding and assessment of the issues and sociocultural characteristics of Chinese society. 摘要梁漱溟的乡村建设理论及其连带的乡村教育思想都是建立在他对于中国问题及中国社会文化特质的认识与判断上。
- On the foundation, I raise the principle of the variety laws of the shift of time and space in constructing theory and give out a basic mode of theoretic structure in the conception of holism model. 提出了以整体论模型观为分析框架研究科学哲学问题应当采取的方法论原则,认为在模型研究中,只有立足于整体论视角,才有可能透视科学家在不同层次建构和运用模型的特征,以及模型在解释科学哲学基本问题中所隐含的方法论优势。
- So on base of construction theory,it brings forward that changing architect s role is the key in economic residence development s suiting changes of market as well as the key to health development. 通过对现有开发过程的分析,发现其中建筑师始终处于被动地位,无法平衡项目的多元价值,因此基于建筑策划理论,提出积极实现建筑师角色转变是商品住宅开发适应市场变化、得以健康发展的关键。
- Geomantic Omen theory is concerned as one of three old architecture theories together with gardening theory and construction theory. 同时风水学和造园学、营造学一起作为古代三大建筑理论。
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- He put forward a constructive suggestion. 他提出了一个建设性的建议。
- I entirely approve of that theory. 我完全赞成那种理论。