- consumer industries bureau 消费工业署
- Investment bankers for media, health care and consumer industries. 为媒介,护理和消费者工业的投资银行家。
- The Information Industries Bureau (IIB) works with Queensland's small and medium-sized information and communication technology (ICT) businesses to help them grow and develop. 信息产业局与昆士兰的中小型信息和通信技术企业一起,帮助它们发展壮大。
- This graduation design is a family residence building of the Jixi Electrical Industries Bureau, it is built in Jixi.The earthquake resistance intensity is 6 degrees. 摘 要本次毕业设计为鸡西市电业局家属住宅楼,建设地点为鸡西市区,抗震设防烈度为6度。
- Indian multinationals have provided turnkey plants and made large investments abroad, mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa, but domestic consumer industries leave a lot to be desired. 印度的多国公司已经能提供按合同制造产品的工厂,而且能在国外,主要是在东南亚和非洲,进行巨额投资,但在国内消费品工业方面却还大大有待改进。
- All overseas offices are under the administration of the Trade and Industry Bureau. 这些海外办事处由工商局管理。
- Design, build, validate and test prototype products incorporating photovoltaic devices for consumer, industrial and gove...... ... 公司名称:深圳市快乐人生文化发展有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-19
- Industry Bureau of Investigation to investigate foreign products in China, the dumping case. 产业调查局负责调查外国产品在中国进行的倾销案例。
- The Business and Services Promotion Unit (BSPU) of the Commerce and Industry Bureau oversees the implementation of the Helping Business and Services Promotion Programmes. 工商局辖下的工商服务业推广处负责推行方便营商计划和推广服务业计划。
- June 14, Zhangshu City Branch of the Trade and Industry Bureau Fu Cheong venture staff members sent to the business license free of charge. 6月14日,樟树市工商局昌傅分局工作人员为创业人员送上免费办理的营业执照。
- Introduction to the information technology industry environment and its related policies by Jinan City Information Industry Bureau. 信息产业局介绍济南市信息产业发展环境及相关政策。
- The Region has three characteristics:1.Main indusries in the region are immediate consumable industries andassembly type machinery industries. 该区有三个特点:1.;以直接消费品工业和装配型机械工业为主;
- Shenzhen Energy Supply Safety and Sustainable Development Prospect, by Mr. Tian Yingkang, Chief of Electric Power Section, Shenzhen Trade and Industry Bureau. 深圳市人民政府贸易工业局电力处处长田应康:深圳市能源供应安全与可持续发展展望。
- At the briefing on policy objectives and work of Trade and Industry Bureau, the Panel discussed with the Administration on the progress of the implementation of CETS. 事务委员会在工商局向委员会汇报该局的政策目标及工作时,与政府当局讨论推行公用电子贸易服务的进度。
- machinery and information industries bureau 机械与信息工业署
- On basis of thin voile machine of A513C type,we developed FA503 and FA506 types, which passed the technical appraisal of Light Industry Bureau of Zhejiang Province. 我厂的产品在A513C型细纱机基础上开发为FA503和FA506。产品得到了浙江省轻工业厅的技术鉴定。
- Guangdong Province, the security ATEN Products in Guangdong Province, registered with the Trade and Industry Bureau and the designated unit responsible for printing marks. 广东省宏正防伪制品公司是广东省工商局登记注册并指定负责印制商标的单位。
- Anshan City, Liaoning Province, recently came to light with the Trade and Industry Bureau of "coupons" to promote the case of inferior goods, a warning to consumers. 辽宁省鞍山市工商局日前曝光一起借“优惠券”推销劣质商品的案件,给消费者带来警示。
- Sales of other consumer goods also rose. 其他消费品的销售量也增长了。
- "Home in Lin'an," Shanghai is one of the network, but the Beijing Municipal Trade and Industry Bureau recently issued a new regulation shop has aroused his attention. “家在临安”是一位上海的网商,可是近日北京市工商局出台的一份网店新规却引起了他的关注。