- contact pressure molding 接触加压成形
- Low pressure mold closing is standard . 低压开关模装置可保护模具的安全。
- Contact pressure increase by 1.5 - 5 with same stems and yokes. 即使采用相同的阀杆和轭架;接触压力也能够增加1.;5至5倍。
- The influences of contacting pressure, PF content and compression molding parameters on the contact resistance were investigated. 考察了接触压力、PF树脂含量及模压工艺条件对接触电阻的影响。
- A coating, the coating - pressure molding of sheet metal, the coating should be visible to the naked eye, cracked concrete and scratches error. 有涂层、镀层的压型金属板成型后,涂、镀层不应有肉眼可见的裂纹、剥落和擦痕等缺陷。
- It has low pressure mold protection system, electric protection system for inspecting bar draft and safely performing protection system. 具有低压模具保护系统,芯棒脱模检测的电气保护系统和安全操作保护系统。
- The perfect camber design can be obtained by introducing the center/side ratio concept of contact pressure and choosing proper ratio. 同时引入辊间接触压力的中、边部比值概念并作合理选择,使设计出的辊型更加完善。
- The high contact pressure and the choice of different electrical contact materials enable high currents to be switched reliably. 高接点压力和选择不同的电接点材料能可靠地控制大电流。
- The difference between the PFL and FFL is not obvious for large tensile stresses and so does the effect of the contact pressure on the FFL. 当拉应力较大时,微动疲劳寿命(FFL)与普通疲劳寿命(PFL)相差不大,法向压力的影响不明显;
- Sufficient contact pressure generated by the torque is essential. A small increase in contact pressure produces a rapid decrease in leakage. 通过扭矩产生充足的接触压力是重要的。接触压力的稍微增加,可以迅速减少泄漏。
- Our company is of good credit and abundant experience on chemical, and now is the key agent of Henkel AIG department in South China.Henkel is the market leader of low pressure molding process. 是德国汉高公司通用工业部在中国南方地区的一级代理商。
- In this paper, the residual contact pressure of hydraulically expanded joints of tube to single tube model of heat exchangers is investigated. 采用液压胀接技术,对换热器液压胀接后管子与单管模型的残余接触压力进行了研究。
- By now, the main technologies used to manufacture microcellular foams are periodic means, improved batch means, injection molding means, pressure molding means and continuous extrusive means. 目前微孔泡沫塑料的主要成型方法有间歇成型法、注射成型法、模压成型法和连续挤出成型法等。
- The application results show that the distribution of roll contact pressure was meliorated, and the life of the backup roll was improved. 结果表明,优化后的辊型曲线改善了辊间压力的分布情况,降低了轧制末期工作辊边部对支撑辊的磨损,提高了支撑辊轧制质量。
- Speed pressure molding (RapidPrototyping) With its molding process have similarities, speed and pressure molding process of mould processing materials through forming production process. 与模具成型工艺有相似之处,速压成型工艺也是通过模具对加工材料进行成型生产的工艺。
- The calculating formulas related the residual contact pressures to hydroform... 结果表明该装置结构及其计算方法适于工程应用。
- More detailed thermographic testing on an annual basis is required to ensure that contact pressure does not deteriorate over time. 更详细的温度测试,每年需要,以确保接触压力并不恶化一段时间。
- It can be concluded that the diameter of the tubesheet has little influence on the contact pressure and the residual contact pressure. 得出液压胀接时管板外径对胀管的接触压力和残余接触压力影响不大等结论。
- Hence, an increasing of CoF could reduce the slip distance and increase the friction stress but does not ensure a decreasing in peak contact pressure. 因此,摩擦系数增加,能减少滑动距离和增加摩擦应力,但不能确定最大接触压力的减少。
- The inexpensive tried and tested Bourdon tube system coupled with a modern modular principle provides a very reliable yet inexpensive contact pressure gauge. 经过测试和使用的波登管系统价格便宜,采用现代化的模块原理,是一个可靠的价格合理的接点压力表。