- Dialup access and content provider. 拨号接入和内容提供商。
- It may be necessary for us to share your information with these content providers and service providers. 为此,我们可能需要与此等内容供应商及服务供应商分享阁下之资料。
- Today, the issues those suits raise still hang in the balance: Does this really hurt content providers? 现在这个关于平衡的问题依旧悬而未决。这些做法真的伤害到内容提供商了么?
- Some Content providers set the AllowBackupRestore right when protecting content with DRM. 有些内容提供商在使用DRM保护内容时会设置AllowBackupRestore权限。
- Archive of economic news of over 190 trades and professions sourcing from publications and content providers in China. 作伙伴提供的专业信息,内容按190多个行业及中国各省市地区分类。
- Content providers and cable operators may try to steer viewers to their own websites, like hucksters in a bazaar. 内容供给商和有线电视运营商可能会试图把观众引导到网站上,就像市场上叫卖的小贩一样。
- In the course of implementing AVS compliant technology by content providers or service providers for supplying content to consumers, patent royalty may not be charged. 内容提供商或运营商在应用符合AVS标准的技术将内容提供给用户的时候,可不予以缴纳专利费。
- If a device is not known to have specific limitations then content providers must comply with Best Practices. 如果不清楚设备是否有特殊的限制,那么内容提供者应该遵从最佳实践。
- The content provider could recognize that and refuse access. 那么,内容供应者就会认出,并拒绝该请求。
- Shanghai Epic does not collect AACS Content Provider Fees. 上海新索不收取AACS内容提供商费用。
- Therefore, content providers can use any HTTP server and utilize existing know-how about HTTP service implementation and administration. 这样,内容提供者可以可以使用任何HTTP服务器并利用现有的关于HTTP服务实现与管理的知识。
- The Internet no longer is considered only a mass-published media where a mall number of content providers make and send out news. Internet不再被看作仅是一个大众出版媒体,在此媒体上只有数量很少的信息提供者制造和发送新闻。
- In addition, the "Practical Jokes" This concept has begun Tap, the Internet and Internet content providers widely talked about and emulated. 此外,“恶搞”这一概念也开始登堂入室,被网民和网络内容提供商广泛谈论和效仿。
- As the internet grows and rises, the ICPs (Internet Content Providers) and the ISPs (Information Service Providers) tends to be converged nowadays. 在全球网际网路的蓬勃发展下,ICP(如媒体业)和ISP(如通讯业)两大产业已发生了产业聚合的现象。
- This includes links from advertisers, content providers and partners who may use CARI's logo and/or style as part of a co-branding agreement. 比如从我们的网站收集的姓名,电子邮件,主页地址,以及个人信息。我们将让您自由选择接不接受我们提供的额外信息。
- Content Provided by Cultural Portals: What is offered to the audience? 文化入口的内容:提供给阅听众些甚麽?
- These development groups can span beyond the corporations internal development team to include partners,external developers,contractors,and content providers. 这些开发小组能够冲破企业内部开发团队的限制,接纳合作伙伴、外部开发人员、承包人和内容提供商。
- A full-series industrial chain comprising carriers, content providers and equipment vendors is gaining increasing recognition, and a full-service era has arrived. 由运营商、内容提供商、设备制造商综合而成的全系列产业链已越来越被现代通信行业所认可,全业务时代已经来临。
- Early in the CDN is a network of elite services, whether in China or in the United States, began a choice of CDN services are generally some large CP (content providers). CDN早期是一种在网络服务中的贵族服务,无论是在中国,还是在美国,一开始选择CDN服务的一般都是一些大的CP(内容提供商)。
- China has privately owned internet companies and television content providers, but the government insists that all traditional media must remain state-owned. 中国有民营的互联网公司和电视内容提供商,但政府坚持所有传统媒体都必须保持国有。