- The thieves got away with the contents of the safe. 那些窃贼偷走了保险箱内的东西。
- The contents of the letter are secret. 这封信的具体内容是不公开的。
- The boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator. 男孩子们把冰箱中的食物吃得精光。
- He checked the contents of the box against the bill. 他对照货单检查了箱子里装的东西。
- Protecting the contents of an area of memory by writing to a backing store. 通过写入后备存储器对存储器的内容的保护。
- The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip. 整本书的内容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。
- He vomits out the contents of his stomach. 他把胃里的东西全吐出来了。
- contents of admonitions 告诫内容
- The contents of the box spilled out on the floor. 箱子里的东西散落在地板上。
- The determination of the cubic contents of a solid. 求体积法对某一固体体积的测定
- What is the nature of the contents of the parcel? 包裹中装的东西是什么性质的物品?
- The contents of the bag were missing. 手提袋的东西都不见了。
- A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling. 矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试
- The liquid contents of a plant cell vacuole. 植物细胞液泡中的液体内容物。
- He received the contents of Jack's pistol. 他被杰克用手枪打死了。
- The contents of the box fell onto the floor. 这个盒子里的东西掉到地上了。
- The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole. 汁植物细胞的液胞内所含有的液体
- TYPE Displays the contents of a text file. 显示文本文件的内容。
- My mother smiled over the contents of her letter. 在看信的内容时母亲微笑了。
- He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. 他把提包里的东西倒在桌子上。