- conters of rotation [眼]旋转中心
- There are two evident advantages of this type of rotation. 这种形式的调动有两个明显的优点。
- Computes the axis and angle of rotation for a quaternion. 计算四元数的轴和旋转角度。
- Axis Of Rotation: vector expressed in a given referential. :给定参数的向量来定义轴向。
- Our fingers will curl in the positive direction of rotation. 我们的手指将收拢于正旋转方向。
- The Center of rotation located in trifurcation area. 牙旋转中心位于三牙根分叉下方附近。
- The act of rotating or revolving rapidly. 高速旋转的动作
- The disks between the vertebrae serve as the pivots of rotation. 脊椎之间的基状物起着旋转枢轴的作用。
- Construct a pair of rotating orthogonal cardioids. 作一对相互正交的旋转心脏线。
- Find the number of degrees of rotation of the lower member. 求下杆转动的度数。
- The act of rotating as if on an axis. 一样的旋转。
- A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star. 中子星旋转周期的突然变化
- Different kaleiodocycles have different periods of rotation. 不同的万花环有不同的转动周期。
- Be involved in pre-commissioning test of rotating equipment. 参加转动设备的预调试测试.
- Closed-loop control of rotation speed of4 WD electric vehicle is studied. 研究了4wd电动汽车的转速闭环控制。
- The Hong Kong Garrison shall practise a system of rotation of its members. 香港驻军实行人员轮换制度。
- Speed of rotation is proportional to the frequency of the A.C. power. 旋转速度与A.;C能量频率成比例。
- Convolutions frequently alternate in direction of rotation and vary in pitch. 盘旋经常改变回转方向和节距。
- The design of rotation surfaces is an important subject in CAD/CAM and CAGD. 旋转曲面的设计在CAD/CAM及CAGD中有重要作用。
- Malrotation is defined as an anomaly of rotation and fixation of the midgut. 摘要肠迴转不全,是指肠腔在胚胎发育阶段,肠的旋转和固定发生异常。