- context switch timing 上下文切换时间
- The duration of the context switch is limited to the scope of the query being executed. 时,上下文切换的持续时间限制为执行查询的范围。
- If SESSION_USER is called after a context switch, SESSION_USER will return the user name of the impersonated context. 如果在切换上下文之后调用SESSION_USER,SESSION_USER将返回模拟上下文的用户名。
- Specifies that the context switch cannot be reverted back to the previous context. 指定上下文切换不能恢复到以前的上下文。
- Thread Stack, each thread has a dedicated stack for its own execution and context switch. 线程堆栈,每个线程都有自己执行与上下文切换的专用堆栈。
- While the context switch to the database user is active, any attempt to access resources outside of the database will cause the statement to fail. 当到数据库用户的上下文切换处于活动状态时,任何对数据库以外资源的访问尝试都将导致语句失败。
- While the context switch to the database user is active, any attempt to access resources outside the database will cause the statement to fail. 当到数据库用户的上下文切换处于活动状态时,任何对数据库外部资源的访问尝试都会导致语句失败。
- Add ARB sort function newly to accelerate undee switch time further, support fast and undee switch. 新增ARB排序性能进一步加速波形切换时候,撑持迅速波形切换。
- Number of scheduler context switches that this task has completed. 此任务完成的计划程序上下文切换数。
- Using lower switch time, lower compression speed and higher compression stroke will result in lower cavity pressures. 使用较短的切换时间、较低的压缩速度以及较高的压缩行程将产生较低的模安穴压力。
- This means that after the context switch, any resource within the server that the impersonated login has permissions on can be accessed. 这意味着上下文切换后,可以访问模拟的登录帐户在服务器内具有权限的任何资源。
- A context switch involves saving the context of the running task and restoring the divviously-saved context of the other. 上下文切换包括保存正在运行的任务的上下文和恢复早先保存的另一个任务的上下文。
- I've seen way too much code that avoids data copies by doing something even worse, like forcing a context switch or breaking up a large I/O request. 我看到过太多的代码为了避免数据拷贝,最后的结果是比拷贝数据更糟糕,比如环境切换或者分解一个大的I/O请求。
- The advantages to this is that if a thread is about to give up a mutex, you don't have to context switch to another thread. 这样做的优点是当一个线程要放弃一个互斥锁的时候,你不需要上下文切换到另外的线程中去。
- The optimal control variable was gained according to the PMP, the start time, end time and switch time of conflict resolution were obtained by inner-point restriction condition. 采用极小值原理解得最优控制变量,并由内点约束条件获得解脱开始时间、约束时间及控制变量转换时间。
- The switching time of this new transistor reduced three times. 这种新晶体管的开关时间将缩短三分之二。
- The connection concentrator is associated with context switching of agents. 连接集中器与代理的上下文切换相关联。
- The effects on performance of SMB process by such factors as feed volume rate,ratio of extract and raffinate,switch time and desorbent volume rate were studied. 考察了进料液流量、提余液与提取液的流量比、切换时间和洗脱剂回流比等操作条件对SMB分离性能的影响。
- The CPU simply becomes overburdened by context switching between threads. 由于要在线程间进行上下文切换,因此CPU简直变成了超载。
- With this algorithm, switch time among bottleneck machines were reduced by queuing so as to increase machine utilization rate and reduce average production time. 在该算法中,为提高机器利用率和减少工件平均加工时间,采用了通过排序减少瓶颈机器切换时间的方法;