- We lay a lot of stress on continual education. 我们把重点放在继续教育上。
- NOC engineering will become a very competitive field and will demand cutting edge skills and continual education. NOC工程将会成为一个很有竞争力的领域,且将要求尖端技能及持续教育。
- Continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. 继续进修和重新接受训练是不可避免的。
- Invest in the continuing education of your employees. 投资持续之教育训练于员工身上。
- Continual education is very imoprtant for new century liberary, Which is innovation and special training for liberian who engage in the work of information. 继续教育是新世纪图书馆的需要,是对从事图书情报工作的图书馆员的知识更新和专业技术培训。
- Poverty prevented the boy from continuing education. 贫穷使那男孩无法继续读书。
- Schemes are formulated aimed at encouraging continual educational improvement. 不断改善我们的教育制度。
- Earn up to 39.25 hours of continuing education credits all at one conference. 在这一个会议中可以获得高达39.;25小时的继续教育学分。
- Dr. Leech participates in a continuing education program on Thursdays nights. 每周四晚上,李奇大夫参加继续教育课程的学习。
- Large amounts of public funds have been expended in enhancing our education system. Schemes are formulated aimed at encouraging continual educational improvement. 政府拨出巨款,不断改善我们的教育制度。
- According to situation and tasks of continual education for seismic system, it is researched to establish continual education managerial system and operation mechanism on market economy. 根据地震系统继续教育面临的形势和任务,对建立市场经济条件下的继续教育管理体系以及运行机制进行了探讨。
- Cadre's on-the-job training is gradually undergoing a change from academic credentials education to all-round continuing education. 军队在职干部的培训正在逐步实现由学历教育向全面的继续教育转变。
- For each individual, several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. 对每个人来说,他们将惯常从事某几种职业,并将不可避免地继续进修和重新接受训练。
- The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance. 交通噪音时时刻刻令人烦恼。
- For each individual,several careers will be customary,and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. 对每个人来说,他们将惯常从事某几种职业,并将不可避免地继续进修和重新接受训练。
- Which aims at developing professional continuing education courses in design and its application. 旨在发展设计及其应用方面的专业持续进修课程。
- Are you tired of this continual rain? 你对于这不停的雨不感到厌烦吗?
- Her proposal met with continual rejections. 她的建议一再遭到拒绝。
- Hon MA Lik raised a question on "Upper age limit for applications for Continuing Education Fund". 马力议员就"申请持续进修基金的年上限"提出质询。
- We have accumulated rich experience for the continued education of government employees and professionals. 我们在组织和实施公务员和专业技术人员继续教育方面积累了相当丰富的经验。