- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 她突然来了一阵灵感,答案想出来了。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。
- I cannot write without inspiration. 没有灵感我写不出东西。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。
- Her speech continued in the same dismal strain. 她以悲伤的语调接著往下说。
- I continued to do the unfinished work. 我继续做我未完成的工作。
- A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration. 灵感,神感强烈的创造欲; 神明启示
- He continued to reflect upon it. 他继续思索这个问题。
- Let us cherish the memory of Quyuan, a great patriotic poet, whose sprit has continuously inspired Chinese to strive for China’s rejuvenation and rise for thousands of years. 端午佳节,让我们共同缅怀伟大爱国诗人屈原,数千年来,他的精神不断激励着国人为中华民族的振兴和崛起而奋斗。
- She continued to hum the song over and over. 她一遍又一遍地不断哼唱那支歌。
- Villa as the highest form of living alone are continually inspired architectural master creative potential, and then have many legacies of the classical world view. 独幢别墅作为最高居住形式,不断地激发建筑大师的创作潜能,继而产生许多传承于世的经典风尚。
- The cold snap continued for only two days. 这次寒讯仅持续了两天时间。
- The movement continued to pick up steam. 这场运动继续在加速进行。
- The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头。
- Our success is contingent upon your continued help. 我们的成功全靠你的不断帮助。
- Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other. 让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。
- After a good night's sleep, he had a brilliant inspiration. 他美美睡了一夜後想到一个绝妙的主意。
- Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature. 许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得他们的灵感。
- The rain continued all day without intermission. 雨整天下个不停。