- continuous exciting source 连续激励源
- With 38 kv, 35 microamp miniature X-ray tube excitation source. 配备38千伏,35微安的微型X射线管激发源。
- Employing Q-smitching YAG pulse laser as exciting source,using 2D CCD detector to collect the transient space distribution spectrum and using Boltzmann distribution method,the temperature space distribution of the laser plasma in Cusample is measured. 采用了一种激光激发等离子体温度空间分布测量的新方法 ,使用面阵CCD探测等离子体二维光谱 ,应用玻耳兹曼分布公式解析获得激光等离子体温度。
- The instrument adopts the bi-directional pulsed voltage as its exciting source,which has a better solution to the negative of capacitive and polarizational effects at the electrodes. 仪器采用双极性脉冲电压作为电导率测量的激励源,较好地解决高纯水电导率测量中的极化效应和电容效应对测量结果的影响。
- CdSe nanoparticles obtained have a ca. 150 nm broad, continuous excitation peak and a narrow, symmetric emission peak. 合成的硒化镉纳米颗粒有150 nm 宽的激发波长范围,荧光峰窄且具有良好对称性。
- There are two major factors in selecting an excitation source that will enhance overall system performance. 有两个主要因素,选择了励磁电源以增强整体系统性能。
- Once the auxiliary excitation source is obtained, the field on each subdomain can be computed independently. 一旦获得了辅助激励源,即可并行地计算各子区域内部的场。
- The feasible arithmetic is given and the characteristic waveforms of heart excitation source is obtained. 提出了实际可行的算法,提取了心脏激励源信号的特征波形。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- I don't find cricket very exciting. 我觉得打板球没有劲。
- That party is only too exciting. 那个晚会真是激动人心。
- For a given excitation source, the system designer is faced with the challenge of measuring the output signal and dealing with the issues that may arise. 为一个假设的励磁源,系统设计师面对挑战测量输出信号和处理也许可能出现的问题。
- VREF. Since the input to the converter and its reference are derived from the same excitation source, changes in the excitation do not introduce measurement errors. 从输入这台变频器和它的参考从同样励磁来源,变化被导出在励磁上不介绍的测量错误。
- Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗?
- The different excitation sources are pulsed to give intermittment radiation. 各种激发源形成脉动,以产生间歇的辐射。
- The different excitation sources are pulsed to give intermittent radiation. 各种激发源形成脉动,以产生间歇的辐射。
- Using KrF laser (248 nm, 10ns) as excitation source, the fluorescence lifetimes of different concentration of Ce3+ or Tb3+ ions in the glasses have been measured. 在KrF激光(248毫微米,10毫微秒)激发下,测出磷酸盐玻璃中不同浓度Ce~(3+)或Tb~(3+)离子的荧光寿命。
- The new model come in an exciting range of colour. 这种新式样有各种鲜艳的颜色。
- An excimer (XeCl) pumped pulsed dye laser as an excitation source of fluorescence was used to diagnose the spatial distribution of some analytes in the ICP. 本文使用excimer(XeCl)泵激光产生的染料激光作为原子荧光的激发源测定了电感耦合等离子体中Ca、Mn和Cu的基态原子和离子的径向分布轮廓。
- I think football is an exciting sport. 我认为足球是一种刺激的运动。