- We have a lot of rain in autumn. 秋天这里多雨。
- There's a lot of rain in summer, but it seldom rai in Autumn. 这儿夏天雨水很多。可是秋天很少下雨。
- continuous rain in autumn 秋季连阴雨
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- We don't have much rain here in autumn. 本地秋天雨量不多。
- low temperature and continuous rain in spring 春季低温连阴雨
- The leaves turn yellow in autumn. 秋天时叶子变黄。
- Farmers plow in autumn or spring. 农民在秋天或春天犁地。
- Most trees shed their leaves in autumn. 大多数树在秋天落叶。
- In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。
- The leaves turn brown in autumn. 秋天树叶变黄。
- Are you tired of this continual rain? 你对于这不停的雨不感到厌烦吗?
- The cocoon has departed,and butterfly does not fear the winds and rains in autumn since a brief life can enable her to join with the cocoon as early as possible. 想著已经逝去的茧,蝶丝毫不畏惧秋天的风雨,生命的短暂似乎恰恰让她可以和茧早点团聚。
- South winds in winter are a guarantee of rain in these parts. 在这一带,冬天刮南风是下雨的迹象。
- The continuous rain had saturated the soil. 连绵不断的雨把土地淋了个透。
- The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain. 继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。
- Look at those black clouds. I think there is rain in the offing. 看那些乌云,我想天马上就要下雨了。
- We've had three weeks of continuous rain. 我们这里连续三周下雨不停。
- But it seldom rains in Autumn. 可是秋天很少下雨。
- In autumn all the peasants are happy to pick apples from their own trees. 秋天里所有的农民都喜气洋洋地从自家的树上收摘苹果。