- We continue studying new words and expressions. 我们继续学习生词和短语。
- I need continue studying hard go to Upp-Intermediate.!! 需要完成自己嘅心愿可以升级了.
- Only a few people can get a good job while they can continue studying. 只有少数人能够在得到一份不错的工作还能继续学习。
- Many of them need continued study. 许多问题还需要继续研究。
- An investigation shows that many older people express a strong desire to continue studying in university or college. 一项调查显示许多老人都有到大学继续学习的愿望。
- Imagine bringing your child from zero to A-level standards in any subject in just one year of continuous study! 不妨想象自己的孩子在经过一年的不间断学习之后,某个科目的水平竟从零提升到A水准!
- Even if the most extraordinary graduates who want to be learned scholars also require continuous study. 即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。
- With advanced development in science and continuous study of scientists, mankind is beginning to learn more about the three Poles. 随著科技的发展和科学家们的默默研究,人类对三极的认识越来越多。
- In the process of continuous study, we have shown the sprit of cooperation, learning from each other and making progress together. 在不断学习的过程中,我们的集体体现了团队合作精神,相互帮助,共同提高。
- Most people continue studying after the years of compulsory education, and many take further courses throughout their lives. 义务教育结束后,大多数人会继续学习,很多人会终生坚持学习或培训。
- Though it hasn't been used widely because of its high cost, it will have more and more applications with continuous study. 随着不断的研究开发,它必会发展得更高效,实用更方便,以独特的节能效果得到广泛的应用。
- She has taught by teacher Mingming Yang for many years, with her full heart and love, she is continually studying, adventuring and enterprising. 几年来,她在杨茗茗老师授教下,用最真挚的诚和爱不断地学习、探索、进取。
- It also felt that it would be valuable to continue studying the adoption of indicators and benchmarks that would help evaluate such cooperation. 另外,该代表团认为,继续研究合作评价所需的指标和标准将有重要意义。
- Plans for the future, including intentions to continue studying and factors in considering staying or leaving Jiang-tuan. (四)未来规划,包括升学意愿、将团去留考量因素。
- The intense work on the Commission was now over,Florence was to continue studying, planningpressing for army medical reform for the next thirty years. 至此委员会的紧张工作告一段落,但弗洛伦斯仍要继续研究,计划及督促今后三十年的军队医疗改革。
- continuous studying in undergraduate and graduate 本硕连读培养
- The intense work on the Commission was now over, but Florence was to continue studying, planning and pressing for army medical reform for the next thirty years. 至此委员会的紧张工作告一段落,但弗洛伦斯仍要继续研究,计划及督促今后三十年的军队医疗改革。
- Ms.Oster found a large, continuing study of hepatitis B in rural China. 奥斯特得知对中国农村地区的乙肝问题正在进行一项广泛的持续性研究。
- But without disproving them, it would seem impossible to continue studying historical events, merely as the arbitrary product of the free will of individual men. 但是,不推翻它们,似乎就不能研究作为人们自由意志产物的历史事件。
- A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。