- The Continuing Search for a Succinylcholine Replacement. 琥珀胆碱替代的不断研究。
- Officials say they don't know if there is a way to continue searching safely. 相关负责人表示,他们不知道是否有可以安全地继续开展搜救工作的方法。
- I want to search out an old school friend. 我想寻找我的一个老同学。
- Rescuers continue searching for adventurer Steve Fossett, his plane missing in a rugged desert of western Nevada. 救险队继续对冒险家史蒂夫.;福斯特的搜寻,他的飞机消失在内华达州西部一个险峻的沙漠。
- A squadron of ten planes and two helicopters continue searching for adventurer Steve Fossett. 由十架飞机和两架直升机组成的飞行队继续搜寻失踪的冒险家史蒂夫·福塞特。
- This information would be returned from a web spider continuously searching the web for RDF files. 该信息将从网络蜘蛛持续搜索的RDF文件中返回。
- The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在荒草地分散行动。
- He go in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去为他生病的妻子找医生。
- A continuous inked ribbon used on output units. 在输出设备(如打印机)上使用的一种连续上油墨的色带。
- The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要连续不断地供血。
- So different objective should use different model, and a better ALF animal model is continue searching for clinical and experimental research. 因此,不同的研究目的应选择不同的类型,为基础和临床研究而寻找更理想急性肝衰竭模型的工作仍在继续。
- The detectives swore out a search warrant. 侦探们立誓获得搜索状。
- Early in the forenoon parties of jaded men began to straggle into the village, but the strongest of the citizens continued searching. 还没到下午,三三两两的人拖着疲惫的身体回到村里,那些身强力壮的人还在山洞里搜索。
- The police obtained a search warrant for his house. 警察拿到了搜查他家的搜查证。
- An AAIB spokesperson said: "The survey vessel Vigilant left Peterhead Harbour late on Thursday and continues searching for wreckage in the North Sea. 不过海岸警备队人员表示即使希望渺茫仍然会继续搜救行动。据透露,直升飞机坠毁时天气晴朗,海面平静,不过飞机在坠毁前发出了遇险求救信号。
- The scientists are in search of a new element. 科学家们正在寻找一种新元素。
- A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块
- Rescue workers continue searching for adventurer Steve Fossett, his plane missing in the rugged desert of western Nevada. 救援人员正在继续搜索冒险家史蒂夫福赛特,他的飞机失踪在内华达州西部的崎岖的沙漠中。
- So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless. 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的男孩。
- He went in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去为他生病的妻子找医生。