- The contract period is three years from commencement date. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。
- Contract Period: The contract period is three years from commencement date. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。
- The service of intermediary is available during the contract period. 中介方提供的服务期与合同期一致。
- Contract Period:The contract period is three years from commencement date. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。
- Any application for such extension of contract period shall be made six months before the expiration of the contract. 这种合同延期的申请应于合同到期日前6个月提出。
- The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract. 译:整个合同期间,本合同的附件应被视为合同的一部分予以解释。
- The results showed that hC/hZ ratio representing the preload of the left heart and Q j/j Z ratio representing ventricular contraction period markedly increased prior to operation. 结果示术前肺静脉负荷指标(hC/hZ)和心室收缩间期指标Q?j/j?Z异常增高;
- When the contract period is over, the ownership of the project will be transferred to the government. 协议期满后,这项设施的所有权无偿移交给政府。
- The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as an integral part of this Contract. 整个合同期间,本合同附件应理解为合同不可分割的一部分。
- There isn"t definitude guidelines of the quantity and type of land for adjusting in the contract period. 承包期内可用于调整的土地数量及类型没有明确规定。
- Web banner advertisement special price at HK$300/month, free for the 1st month. You may use this special offer at anytime within the contract period. 网上横额广告-->特价hk%24300月费;送首月月费.;贵公司可在合约期内除时使用此优惠
- Site use fees as part of the investment by the Chinese party shall not be subject to adjustment during the contract period. 场地使用费作为中国合营者投资的,在该合同期限内不得调整。
- The labor contract agreed only to probation, not to set up a probationary period, the duration of the labor contract period. 劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。
- Furthermore, this thesis discusses the main components in the contract of affreightment as the parties, the contract period, the cargo, the vessels and the programme of shipments. 接着,本文又分析了包运租船合同的主要条款如合同的当事人及其他有关方、合同期限、承运的货物、船舶和船期安排等在合同中的重要作用。
- Now defers to the contract, I am the Ketebusi Club player, then in the contract period, I must complete for this family club takes all which the professional player should do. 现在按照合同,我还是科特布斯俱乐部的球员,那么在合同期内,我就要为这家俱乐部做好作为职业球员所应做的一切。”
- Since 1996, we lengthen rural land to contract period regard the fundamental sex that builds system of rural socialist market economy as 30 years the job, caught 3 years greatly. 从1996年起,我们把延长农村土地承包期30年作为建立农村社会主义市场经济体制的基础性工作,大抓了3年。
- Since 1994, we lengthen rural land to contract period regard the fundamental sex that builds system of rural socialist market economy as 30 years the job, caught 3 years greatly. 从1994年起,我们把延长农村土地承包期30年作为建立农村社会主义市场经济体制的基础性工作,大抓了3年。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- "I'll" is a contraction of "I will". “I'll”是“I will”的缩写。