- Contrast study on cause of visual abnormity of preschool children. 学龄前视力异常儿童病因的病例对照研究。
- This thesis provides a contrastive study of English and Chinese greetings. 本丈用微观语言分析法对英汉招呼语进行了系统对比研究。
- This thesis tentatively intends to make a comprehensive and contrastive study of English and Chinese euphemisms. 这一个论题试验性地想要作一项英国和中国委婉的说法广泛和对比研究。
- This paper makes a contrastive study of hedges in about 100 English and Chinese prefaces. 摘要对96部中英文当代作品的前言就模糊限制语的使用异同进行了对比分析。
- All the translation strategies are based on the contrastive study between the source language and the target language. 翻译策略基于源语和译语的异同对比。
- Title: What Can the Study of Back-translation Bring to Translation Study and E-C Contrastive Study? 关键词:回译;制约因素;关联理论回译观;翻译研究;英汉对比研究
- Methods: The epidemiological investigation and case of illness were used to conduct a contrastive study. 方法:采用流行病学调查、临床诊断和实验室检验结果相结合的方法。
- A Contrastive Study on the Extension of the Argument Structures of Chinese Verb Chi (Eat) and Its Counterpart in Korean. 动词“吃”论元结构扩张的汉韩对比研究
- So it isno exaggeration to say that a contrastive study of English and Chinese proverbs is of greatpractical and theoretic significance. 可以毫不夸张地说,英汉谚语对比研究既具有现实意义也具有理论意义。
- Therefore,this article argues the translation of English figurative idioms based on the contrastive study of English and Chinese. 本文从比喻性习语英汉对比研究的角度论述了英语习语的翻译。
- The thesis of hypotaxis and parataxis is one of the most important research subjects for English and Chinese contrastive study and translation theory. 形合和意合是英汉对比研究和翻译理论研究的一个重要论题。
- His main research interests are Pragmatics, Systemic Functional Grammar, and the contrastive study between English and Chinese. 目前主要研究领域:系统功能语言学,语用学,国外语言学理论与流派。
- In light of the findings of the contrastive study, some tentative statements are made, and a new definition of “punning” is offered. 基于该对比研究,作者尝试性地做出了若干结论性的陈述,并重新定义了“双关语”。
- A practical course in contrastive studies of English and Chinese II. 实用英汉对比教程2。
- In the light of contrastive study, genetic pattern and ton-grade models of skarn Fe-Cu deposits in eastern Hubei Province have be built. 通过对矽卡岩型铁(铜)矿床的研究对比,建立了鄂东独特的矽卡岩型铁(铜)矿床模式及品位、吨位模型。
- Besides, the contrastive study of modality in English and Chinese attracts little attention not mentioning their contrastive study in news reporting. 此外,英汉情态对比分析的研究还未引起充分注意,而在新闻语篇中的对比研究就更为少见。
- Thirdly, the pragmatic theories and the results of the contrastive study are put into the practice of deictics translation. 之后,借助语用学的理论以及两种语言的对比成果,用于指导翻译实践。
- The contrast study of nutrition constituents contents in plastic tunnel vegetable and field vegetable. 温室蔬菜和大田蔬菜营养成分含量的对比研究
- Contrast Study of Chronic Hemodynamics During Different Site Pacing in the Right Cardiac Chambers. 右心腔不同部位起搏的慢性血流动力学对比研究
- This article,on the basis of the theory of "Lexicalization" put forward by Packard,is the contrastive study of lexicalization between English and Chinese N+N compound words. 英语“名+名”复合词词汇化的最终结果有可能变为一个派生词或一个单纯词,词汇化而来的单纯词又有可能和其他的单纯词重新组合形成词汇化程度不同的复合词。