- control chart for defectives 缺陷控制图
- So are you talking the control chart for fraction nonconforming? 首先,必须重申,观测值绝对不可以轻易的去除掉。
- Most applications of the EWMA control chart for monitoring processes depend on detecting shifts in the process mean. 摘要:先前有关指数加权移动平均(EWMA)管制图之研究大部份都针对制程平均值偏移进行监控。
- Numerous comparisons of ARLs indicate that the GWMA control chart is more sensitive than the EWMA control chart for detecting small shifts in the process variance. 透过ARL的比较显示,在侦测小偏移的制程变异数方面,GWMA比EWMA管制图来的敏感。
- Control charts for number of defectives GB/T4091.;7-1983不合格品数控制图(pn图)
- control chart for percent of errors 误差百分率控制图
- Multivariate Control Chart for Process Variability 多元协方差控制图
- Control chart for average and range 平均值及范围控制图
- Control chart for average and standard deviation 平均值及标准偏差控制图
- control chart for number of defects 缺陷数控制图
- A: Check the spark plug for defect. 检查火星塞瑕疵。
- Mean Control Chart for Skewed Populations 有偏总体的均值控制图
- control chart for largest and smallest 最大和最小控制图
- His job is to sample products for defects. 他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。
- control chart for analysing data 解析质量评估图
- control chart for analyzing data 分析数据控制图象
- This thesis proposes a skewness and kurtosis correction (SKC) method to set up Xbar and R control charts for process monitoring. 传统投资组合理论大多假定股票报酬率服从常态分配,然而,近年来有研究指出个别股票的报酬率分配呈现正偏型态。
- A fuzzy expert system for defect inspection of TFT-LCD is proposed. 摘要提出了一种基于模糊专家系统的薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)缺陷检测技术。
- Action Plan and Activity Chart for every week. 制定每周工作流程图。
- Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yit-Ming Yang, 1999, "Economic Design of X-bar control Charts for Continuous Flow Process With Weibull in-Control Times,", The 13th Asia Quality Symposium '99 Osaka, pp.17-20, October 1999. 江行全,汤玲郎,陈云岫,钟云恭,2000,”对省立桃园医院医护与行政品质系统建立的方法与经验”,2000迈向二十一世纪品质管理技术应用研讨会论文集,2000年6月.