- control section water depth 控制水深
- The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling. 水文工作者在码头桩上用数字标明水深。
- Its core is section water irrigates. 其核心是节水浇灌。
- A weight on the end of a line, used to determine water depth. 铅锤系在一条线末端的重物,用来测定水的深度
- Prepare spud plate and wire-line to check water depth. 准备测探板和钢丝绳测量水深。
- What kind of closestool is just section water model? 什么样的马桶才是节水型的呢?
- Whether is cistern size does not explain section water model. 水箱大小并不说明是否是节水型的。
- Jack Anderson from the company is helping us with the computer control section. 该公司的杰克?安得逊正在协助我们安装电脑控制部分。
- The optimum aperture of an aerator is smallest at the water depth of 4 m. 一般水深在4 m左右;曝气器的最优孔径最小.
- In the Anonymous access and authentication control section, click Edit. 在“匿名访问和验证控制”区域,单击“编辑”。
- The optimum water depth increases as the aperture of the aerator increases. 水深较小时,宜选用孔径较小的曝气器;
- Such as population de ity, street layouts, number of enterprises, water depth. 比如,人口密度,街道状况,企事业数量,水的深度。
- Such as population density,street layouts,number of enterprises, water depth. 比如,人口密度、街道状况、企业数目、水深。
- Constant minimum water depth: 21feet at mean low tide at the face of all docks. 稳定的最小的水深:21英尺在最低潮可面对所有的码头。
- The modification of address constants to compensate for a change in origin of a module, program, or control section. 修改一个模块、程序或控制节中的地址常数,以补偿它们起始地址的改变。
- maximum sectional water depth 断面最大水深
- Represents the Control section within the MobileControls section of a configuration file. 表示配置文件的MobileControls节内的Control节。
- Click the Directory Security tab, and then in the Authentication and access control section, click Edit. 单击“目录安全性”选项卡,然后在“身份验证和访问控制”部分单击“编辑”。
- By use of the 2-D model for analysis of water quality achievable for the control section, the relationship between the water quality of water source places and pollution sources was set up with the rising and ebb tides taken into account. 采用二维控制断面水质达标分析模型,建立了涨、落潮设计水文条件下水源地水质与污染源的响应关系;
- Disposes reasonably,the standard purchase,the strict management is the equipment control section s important task. 合理地配置,规范的采购,严格的管理是设备管理部门的重要任务。