- Change and Control work on products. 产品设计的改进工作。
- Does the vendor perform any quality control work on the product? 经销商是否对产品实施质量管理工作?
- Does vendor perform any quality control work on the product? 销售商是否对产品实施质量控制工作?
- However, our country's drug control work continues to face arduous tasks. 展望未来,中国禁毒工作任重道远。
- The director of Provincial health bureau concerns about TB control work. 厅长亲自检查和过问结核病防治工作。
- The key to drug control work is to arouse the consciousness of the general public. 禁毒的关键在于唤起民众。
- Article 7 Units and individuals who make prominent contribution or achievements in fire control work shall be awarded. 第七条 对在消防工作中有突出贡献或者成绩显著的单位和个人,应当予以奖励。
- Temperature display, time setting and blue light airflow control work efficiently and precisely. 配合数显温度,时间设定,蓝光气流计,可准确及有效率对芯片进行返修。
- They also include records of ancient water control works. 还有对古代水利工程的记录呢。
- How User Account Control works, and how to configure it. 用户帐户控制的工作原理,以及如何对其进行配置。
- Second, strict control working condition disbursement. 第二,严格控制营业费用支出。
- The Panel discussed with the Administration the suspected tampering of ovitraps and mosquito control work. 事务委员会与政府当局讨论怀疑干扰诱蚊产卵器事故及控蚊工作。
- The State Council shall led and the people's governments at all levels be responsible for fire control work. 消防工作由国务院领导,由地方各级人民政府负责。
- The FEHD is also providing technical assistance to AFCD in stepping up mosquito control work in the three pig farms. 食物环境生署亦有向渔农自然护理署提供技术协助,加强三个猪场的灭蚊工作。
- The key to drug control work lies in arousing the consciousness of the general public. 禁毒的关键在于唤起民众。
- Objective: The applications of disinfection supply room in the hospital infection control work. 目的消毒供应室在医院感染管理工作中的应用。
- Article 3 The State Council shall led and the people's governments at all levels be responsible for fire control work. 第三条 消防工作由国务院领导,由地方各级人民政府负责。
- For fire control work on forest and grassland,in case there are separate regulations,the separate regulations shall be followed. 森林、草原的消防工作,法律、行政法规另有规定的,从其规定。
- The Department stepped up its mosquito control work and only one local case of dengue fever was reported during the year. 本署加强了防治蚊患的工作。年内,香港只录得一宗本地登革热个案。
- Inheritance for user controls works in much the same way. 用户控件的继承以相同的方式工作。