- Change and Control work on products. 产品设计的改进工作。
- They also include records of ancient water control works. 还有对古代水利工程的记录呢。
- How User Account Control works, and how to configure it. 用户帐户控制的工作原理,以及如何对其进行配置。
- Does the vendor perform any quality control work on the product? 经销商是否对产品实施质量管理工作?
- Does vendor perform any quality control work on the product? 销售商是否对产品实施质量控制工作?
- However, our country's drug control work continues to face arduous tasks. 展望未来,中国禁毒工作任重道远。
- The director of Provincial health bureau concerns about TB control work. 厅长亲自检查和过问结核病防治工作。
- A flood control protected area means an area protected by flood control works according to flood control standards. 防洪保护区是指在防洪标准内受防洪工程设施保护的地区。
- Flood control planning constitutes the bas is for the control of rivers and lakes and the construction of flood control works. 防洪规划是江河、湖泊治理和防洪工程设施建设的基本依据。
- The key to drug control work is to arouse the consciousness of the general public. 禁毒的关键在于唤起民众。
- Inheritance for user controls works in much the same way. 用户控件的继承以相同的方式工作。
- Second, strict control working condition disbursement. 第二,严格控制营业费用支出。
- Stream and river control works may have a serious local influence on accelerating channel erosion. 水流及河流控制工程对加速河道冲刷有严重影响。
- Finally, it identifies certain pres-sing issues awaiting to be studied and coped with in future flood control works. 最后,提出了面向未来防洪事务的亟待研究与解决的若干问题。
- The construction of flood control works should be incorporated into the national economic and social development plan. 防洪工程设施建设应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。
- Risk control works, it is cost effective and helps control local operating costs. 风险控制是项积极改善风险单位本身性质之工作.;它可使成本做最有效之运用同时亦有助单位或部门营运成本之控制
- The bamboo and log rafting in river courses should not affect the safety of flood passage and flood control works. 在河道中流放竹木,不得影响行洪和防洪工程设施的安全。
- The construction if flood control works should be incorporated into the national economic and social development plan. 第三条防洪工程设施建设,应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。
- Control works with any business object that encapsulates data and provides data-management services. 控件可以与封装数据以及提供数据管理服务的任何业务对象一起工作。
- Article 7 Units and individuals who make prominent contribution or achievements in fire control work shall be awarded. 第七条 对在消防工作中有突出贡献或者成绩显著的单位和个人,应当予以奖励。