- controlling running state 运行工况控制
- Key control running on a ball into a hole. 方向键控制行走,上进洞。
- Registers that the supplied object has entered the running state. 注册提供的对象已进入运行状态。
- This paper introduce Shelf management of ATCA,Enable administrator to realize control and manage,Get system health sta- tus and running state, Realize remote configure. 本文介绍了在ATCA系统中的机箱管理,基于IPMI(Intelligent Platform Management Interface)规格兼容的管理技术,使管理人员能完成远程监控与管理,得知系统的健康状况,运行状态,实现远程配置。
- The data acquisition method and control process were expounded.Through measure and control system running,RCF test rig running state can be monitored automatically. 通过数据测量系统和控制系统的运行,使得计算机能自动监测试验机的运行状态;
- With the additional restriction that the VSA engine must be in a running state. 完全相同,但有一个附加限制,即VSA引擎必须处于运行状态。
- China runs state affairs according to law. 中国实行依法治国。
- To change or to cause a change of a process from an inactive state to a running state. 将一进程从不活动状态变为(或导致变为)运行状态。
- Good running state of the system up to now,has proven vertical shaft furnace processes used OPTO22 SNAP I/O control systems,to improve the accuracy of process control,scientific and improve the production quality pellet. 现场运行结果表明竖炉球团工艺过程采用OPTO22 SNAP I/O控制系统后,可提高工艺控制的准确性、科学性,提高球团的生产质量。
- In this case, the SQL Distribution control and SQL Merge control run at the Distributor. 在本例中,SQL分发控件和SQL合并控件在分发服务器中运行。
- Operate guidebook:The direction key control run about, the blank space key inside out and square piece, want to walk while turn over. 操作指南:方向键控制行走,空格键翻转方块,要边走边翻哦。
- Removes the script engine from the running state and disconnects automatically bound event handlers. 从运行状态中移除脚本引擎,并自动断开与绑定事件处理程序的连接。
- Notifies all registered advisory sinks that the object has changed from the running state to the loaded state. 向所有已注册的通知接收器通知以下情况:对象已从运行状态更改为加载状态。
- The current functionary crime seriously hinders the process of running state affairs according to law. 当前的职务犯罪问题严重阻碍着依法治国的进程。
- When an event occurs, controls run code in response to those events. 发生某个事件时,控件会运行代码以响应那些事件。
- As to project construction,investment control run through the entire construction course,optimization design should be used to control investment effectively. 就工程项目建设而言,投资控制贯穿于项目建设的全过程,应通过优化设计来有效控制投资。
- The running state and the allowed operating range of the feedwater pump can be determined with the model. 利用本模型,可确定给水泵真实运行状态和允许的工作范围。
- Xiaolongshan to Forest Park as an example of Chinas forest parks and forest tourism development funds running state. 以小陇山森林公园为例分析了我国森林公园森林旅游业发展及资金运行状况。
- Based on this idea, the monarch and his subordinates are able to work out a better method of running state business. 君主必须有清净无为的为政态度,信任臣下不越权揽事,以达成君臣互信互赖的良好共事模式。
- At design time, the designer component of a custom control runs with the same level of trust as its design host. 设计时,自定义控件的设计器组件与其设计宿主运行在同一个信任级别。